
Friday, May 20, 2011

Secrets of Bodybuilder's Diet

Almost all athletes involved in bodybuilding consume food for muscle mass gain. However, gaining weight - the term is ambiguous. Because adults who did not spur the body anabolic steroids can not increase the mass of the skeleton and internal organs, and in connection with this weight gain can occur only at the expense of fat and muscle. Everyone wants to muscle, but for often come to fat. That's how we use food and other means to recruit the masses, what kind of food as a train, it all makes a huge difference in the result. With proper use of funds actually will grow a muscle. But in some cases you may well find that very swollen with fat. Overall, however, all organisms are similar, because if the body works differently there would be no medicine or any dietary supplements. So that the flow of a large number of calories, works about the same at all. When you receive energy from outside, its costs should be offset by energy body, and the surplus is deposited in reserve. The type of nutrients depends on what kind of balance will be deferred.

When the calories are coming to us with their oil - it contributes to the accumulation of body fat than calories from protein or carbohydrate. This happens because fat is very easy to accumulate and all the extra calories are deposited in the body as fat. Too large deposits of fat cells adversely affect the body. Just an overabundance of body fat may contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease.

Carbohydrates and proteins contain about 2 times less calories per gram than fat. These calories may also be delayed in the form of fat, but only after the body will have everything you need. With proper dietary calories from carbohydrates and protein to help you build muscle.
A very important role in the structure of our muscles is insulin - it is responsible for extracting nutrients from the blood and making them useful for the body's tissues. If you maintain a normal level of insulin in the body, by taking write 2-3 times a day you will be able to maintain high metabolism and good, steady flow of energy. But if you take too many calories, it can cause an insulin burst in his body, which would give too many calories throughout the body and it all settles in the form of fat. Therefore, I do not advise staying at home watching TV and sipping a protein mixture.

However, there is another option in which an insulin burst will do you good. Scientifically proven that the body's ability to absorb nutrients enhanced after training, approximately 90 minutes. Since insulin transport is not only glucose but also amino acids, the increase in its turn will increase protein synthesis and can prevent "eating" its own muscles, as it promotes healing of damaged muscle fibers.

Just scientifically proven that the most important level of two hormones: insulin and growth hormone increases only if you drink after a workout carbohydrate-protein mixture. Growth hormone has indirect anabolic effect for fat burning through which coupled with the heat of the body after consumption of protein-carbohydrate mixture of fat will be produced in our body. At this point, the body is in the anabolic state and efficiently cleaves our food.

So all the same when optimally employ a mixture of 2500 calories? The most obvious answer: a year and a half hours after the workout, this time you should consume at least 30% of calories make up all of your daily diet. In this case you do not gain a single gram of fat, unless of course you will not eat it.

In this context, the problem of consumption of large amount of calories does not seem so much insoluble. For example 10,000 calories - it turns out unrealistic 10 meals in 1000, every 2 hours! But if your body will take 30% after training, it turns out that during the day you have all of only 6,600 calories, which is possible, is not it?