
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bodybuilding And Creatine

Creatine (methylguanidine-acetic acid) was discovered in 1832 by Michel Eugene Cheverul. Later on, in 1834 Justus von Lieburg “confirmed” that creatine was a normal part of meat. It was also found that there was more creatine in wild animals which underwent more exercise than animals that were living in captivity which exercised less.
During the early part of the 1900s by using creatine as a supplement allowed for a boost in creatine in animals. Later on, phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate or phosphorylated creatine) was discovered in the year of 1927. Then in 1934, the creatine kinase (the enzyme that “catalyzes” phosphocreatine was found). Finally, in 1968, phosphocreatine was found in the process of recuperating from exercise.
In foods, creatine is found primarily in red meat and fish. Eaten creatine is then eventually sent to the bloodstream. Creatine is also synthesized within the body by the liver, kidney and pancreas, although this primarily takes place in the liver. This is done in two steps: the first step is when an amidine group from arginine goes to glycine to make guanidinoacetic acid. Then in step two, a methyl group goes to a guanidinoacetic acid from S-adenoslymthionine forming creatine. In the synthesis of creatine, there are some controls on it so that when there is less creatine in one’s diet, there will be more synthesis of creatine in the body. In opposition, if there is a lot of creatine present in one’s diet, then there will be less creatine synthesis in the body.
The storage of creatine in the body occurs in two forms; in the form of phosphocreatine or simply creatine. In the average adult male weighing 70kg, there is 120g of creatine of which 95% is found in the skeletal muscle. Some of the creatine goes to other various parts of the body such as the heart and brain. Of all the creatine in the skeletal muscles, 60-70% of that creatine is phosphocreatine. And because it is phosphocreatine, it cannot leave the membranes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Growth Hormone in Bodybuilding

The human hormone growth hormone produced naturally, also called growth hormone. It is a white powder, which must be diluted before use with a solution of Novocaine. The drug is quite expensive, therefore, not available to all. But if you spend money on it, and properly applied, the effect is not long to wait.

The human hormone growth hormone can be produced by artificial means, too, is a white powder. The drug is quite expensive. Requires the correct application, then he can recoup his money spent on tools.

The following growth hormone is a polypeptide which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland of men, consisting of 191 amino acid residue. Its impact is through stimulation of insulin-like growth factors.

In addition to the anabolic effect that is associated with increased rates of protein production, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscle cells, Growth hormone promotes the process of burning fat.

In combination with growth hormone should be used steroids, thyroid hormone, insulin, clenbuterol.

This drug is contraindicated in patients with growth hormone diabetes and thyroid disease. The solution of the drug is stored in the refrigerator for days.

For athletes, important and valuable effect is that growth hormone with obvious signs of anabolic actions, causes hyperplasia of the tissue cells and organs. It should be used for a long time and in large doses. Normal course duration should not exceed three months at a dosage of 12-16 IU per day, this dosage should be divided into three injections. For bodybuilders who have serious intentions, however 10 IU dosage per day is not suitable.

Side effects from the use of these hormones may be: nausea, headache, edema, changes in body fat, increased intra-cranial pressure. In case of overdose, which has long-term effect, there may be: the development of hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland malfunction, the risk of diabetes, uncontrolled growth of cartilage and bone tissues, including the increase in body length.

In using growth hormones, requires 8 meals, for which there must be sufficient protein, carbohydrates and fats for the growth of the body with muscle mass. Thus, food is a once in 1.5-2 hours.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Growth Hormone (HGH) in the Sports and Bodybuilding

Growth hormone (somatotropin, growth hormone, HGH, growth hormone, somatropin) - a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used in the sport for the formation of muscle relief. Growth hormone or somatotropin gets its name from the fact that the young people it causes a pronounced acceleration of linear growth, mainly due to the growth of long bones of the limbs.


    Anabolic effect - causes muscle growth
    Anti-catabolic effect - inhibits muscle breakdown
    Burns fat
    Causes an increase in bone growth and increases in young people under 26 years (before the closure of growth zones), strengthens bones
    Increases blood glucose levels
    Strengthens the immune system
    Some effects of the drug is directly himself, but much of its effects are mediated by insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, which develops under the action of growth hormone in the liver and stimulates the growth of most internal organs. Almost all of the effects of growth hormone in sports associated with the action of IGF-1.

HGH in bodybuilding

 Originally, HGH products were used for medical purpose, but almost simultaneously, this hormone is widespread in the sport, because of its ability to increase muscle mass and reduce fat. The first growth hormone of pituitary extract were the dead bodies, and only in 1981 was made a recombinant growth hormone drug.

In 1989, HGH was banned by the Olympic Committee. Despite the fact that the use of growth hormone in the athletic purposes is prohibited, in the last decade, sales of the drug have increased several times. Mainly, growth hormone used in sports, especially in bodybuilding, where it combines with other anabolic agents.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anabolic Steroids and Ways to Buy Steroids For Personal Use

Many people are convinced that bodybuilders eats a tablet per day and is growing "by leaps and bounds." In fact - it is, of course, a fairy tale. A large number of steroids did not lead to a "mega-growth" of the muscles, but only help quickly to restore muscles exhausted after the workout. Thus, taking steroids, have to train even more, in two and sometimes three times. And it is necessary to know everyone who deals with bodybuilding, or just trains for yourself.

Steroids acting is quite simple. In fact, they improve the recovery of muscle tone, increasing the synthesis of protein. Steroids provide the human body with the male hormones - testosterone, responsible for development and growth of men. Among other things, steroids help to increase strength and muscle mass.

Where and how to buy steroids?
Today, you can buy steroids in three ways. First, you can buy steroids in specialized pharmacies that sell them only by prescription. Second, you can buy steroids "by hand" in sports and fitness centers, where they are sold illegally. And finally, you can buy steroids online through specialized shops here, by the way, there are no restrictions.

Let us consider all these options and determine what is the most optimal option to buy steroids.
Thus, pharmacies and clinics, it is not suitable to buy steroids for personal use and help in pumping their muscles. Because to get a prescription to buy steroids is almost impossible. Therefore, local pharmacy is not a place where you can buy steroids without prescription.

Now about the private sellers in the gym. Generally, do fitness trainer or bodybuilding, offer to buy steroids. They offer products that can be qualitative, and not and it is not so safe. Moreover, given that the sale of steroids "by hand" is punishable by law and is quite easy to get caught, this method of buying steroids, is not very relevant, and safe. At best you can buy low-quality steroids, and at worst, thunder in jail.

It remains the simplest and at the same time, an ingenious method to buy steroids - with the help of the Internet. Buy steroids online is quite easy, moreover, we can not worry about the quality of the product, since selling steroids, drug companies are very sensitive to the quality of products, selling through the Internet mostly qualitative drugs.

So to buy steroids through the Internet is best method. Because - it's safe, do not worry about the quality of drugs, and it's very fast. We propose one of the most popular and reliable online steroid shops http://halfpricegear.com/. Here you can find a wide range of health products ranging from anabolic muscle building compounds, fat burning aids, PCT items, and simple male performance medications. Buy anabolic steroids at the cheapest price at HalfPriceGear.com. We guarantee high quality of products.

Reception of Anabolic Steroids and Effects of Steroids Without Training

It is no secret that nowadays athletes and bodybuilders are taking anabolic steroids. It is very hard in bodybuilding without steroids, especially in professional sport. Although there is a natural bodybuilding, where sportsmen not take steroids, and their muscles they will never inflate to such large sizes as with steroids. So steroids have both pluses and minuses.

One of the advantages is a big muscle mass in a short time. You can gain 5-7 kg of muscle per month. Of the minuses after the steroid course part of the mass is lost, it is necessary to properly exit the course. Also, anabolic steroids are harmful to the body, they inhibit the production of its own hormone testosterone, which is produced by the adrenal glands and testicles, because of their long-term acceptance can lead to impotence.

After taking anabolic steroids is necessary to clean the body and give your body a break to recover. The first steroid that take beginner athletes is metandronestolon or in other words, methane. It gives good results and many are very pleased by its reception, of the downsides it is very toxic to the liver and heart. Alternatively, there is injected form, as the advantage is faster acting, because once released into the bloodstream. When you have more experience of steroids can try sustanon 250, it gives good results. Want to build muscle? With the help of anabolic steroids or without them? They will be quicker and easier, and without them harder and longer.

Effects of steroids without training
Many scientists did not believe in the efficacy of anabolic steroids, and yet had the courage, and conducted an experiment on humans.
The experiment involved three groups of athletes, first group received steroids and trained, the other took a placebo (plain from which the powder is not getting any better or worse, but people thought that he was taking steroids), and trained. The third took steroids, but not trained.

Experiment itself took place in USA, it took 43 people involved - weightlifters, the dose of steroid (testosterone enanthate 600 mg a week), after which the concentration of testosterone in the body increased from 4 to 10 times.

Trainings were three times a week with a strong intensity, all athletes had the same training program. 3 sets of 6 reps, used by 36 calories per 1 kg of weight, and 1.5 grams of protein. The experiment lasted 10 weeks, after it experiment end, five athletes had side effects of steroids, they were signs of gynecomastia, rashes on the skin.

Steroids without training showed that the athletes increased bench press by 10 kg, and it's more than those who did not take them, and trained. And those who took steroids and did training added to the bench as much as 24 kg. In other exercises about the same rose strength.

Who took steroids and did not train gained about 3.2 kg of muscle, those who practiced without steroids, 1.9 kg of muscle, and the group who took steroids and trained gained 6.1 kg, the ratio of fat at the end of the experiment remained almost the same.

The purpose of the experiment was to prove that without steroids, you can pump up no worse than them, but unfortunately the result was different.

Anabolic steroids are available online and in local pharmacies, but only with prescription. The danger appears when anabolic steroids are purchased from dealers or from unreliable pharmacies, which can sold fakes. To avoid this, you should buy anabolic steroids from proven and reliable online pharmacies. One of such online steroids pharmacies is HalfPriceGear.com To buy steroids at the best prices just browse http://www.halfpricegear.com/

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Anabolic Steroids and Ways to Buy Steroids For Personal Use

Many people are convinced that bodybuilders eats a tablet per day and is growing "by leaps and bounds." In fact - it is, of course, a fairy tale. A large number of steroids did not lead to a "mega-growth" of the muscles, but only help quickly to restore muscles exhausted after the workout. Thus, taking steroids, have to train even more, in two and sometimes three times. And it is necessary to know everyone who deals with bodybuilding, or just trains for yourself.

Steroids acting is quite simple. In fact, they improve the recovery of muscle tone, increasing the synthesis of protein. Steroids provide the human body with the male hormones - testosterone, responsible for development and growth of men. Among other things, steroids help to increase strength and muscle mass.

Where and how to buy steroids?
Today, you can buy steroids in three ways. First, you can buy steroids in specialized pharmacies that sell them only by prescription. Second, you can buy steroids "by hand" in sports and fitness centers, where they are sold illegally. And finally, you can buy steroids online through specialized shops here, by the way, there are no restrictions.

Let us consider all these options and determine what is the most optimal option to buy steroids.
Thus, pharmacies and clinics, it is not suitable to buy steroids for personal use and help in pumping their muscles. Because to get a prescription to buy steroids is almost impossible. Therefore, local pharmacy is not a place where you can buy steroids without prescription.

Now about the private sellers in the gym. Generally, do fitness trainer or bodybuilding, offer to buy steroids. They offer products that can be qualitative, and not and it is not so safe. Moreover, given that the sale of steroids "by hand" is punishable by law and is quite easy to get caught, this method of buying steroids, is not very relevant, and safe. At best you can buy low-quality steroids, and at worst, thunder in jail.

It remains the simplest and at the same time, an ingenious method to buy steroids - with the help of the Internet. Buy steroids online is quite easy, moreover, we can not worry about the quality of the product, since selling steroids, drug companies are very sensitive to the quality of products, selling through the Internet mostly qualitative drugs.

So to buy steroids through the Internet is best method. Because - it's safe, do not worry about the quality of drugs, and it's very fast. We propose one of the most popular and reliable online steroid shops http://halfpricegear.com/. Here you can find a wide range of health products ranging from anabolic muscle building compounds, fat burning aids, PCT items, and simple male performance medications. Buy anabolic steroids at the cheapest price at HalfPriceGear.com. We guarantee high quality of products.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Do People Buy Steroids And Use It?

These days, when the progress and technology have reached great heights, and the information is more than accessible, more and more people aspire to be like sports or Hollywood stars. Possession of a perfect body is not a simple task that much easier to solve with the help of steroids. Buy steroids is not easy in many countries, including the United States. But taking into account modern capabilities and technologies, you can buy steroids with a single click. So why people buy steroids?

The main users of steroids are body builders, athletes and weightlifters. Despite a number of side effects, anabolic steroids are used by people who simply wants to look good

Firstly, steroids were developed for restoration of sexual capacity to mature and aging men. Later was discovered that steroids help to build up muscles and tissues. This main  property attracts athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders actively buy steroids and use it. These practices brought negative impression to the sports field as using of steroids give a sportsmen an advantage over other competitors affecting the result of sports competition.

Anabolic steroids are considered as illegal drugs and have been banned from being sold at medical stores or other shops without prescription. These are otherwise known as anabolic steroids which are known to increase the growth rate of bones as well as muscle tissues. Steroids have been banned by most professional sports organizations who take part in international sporting events. But it does not stop users of steroids. The main way to buy steroids is the Internet and online pharmacies. Most of them do not require a prescription to buy steroids.

One of the best ways for purchase is to buy steroids online. There are many online stores through the web where you can buy steroids at a very reasonable price. However, it is important to find a steroid pharmacy with secure payment system, qualitative medications and fast shipping. One of such sites is Halfpricegear.com Halfpricegear.com specializes in the sale of anabolic steroids. Here you can buy steroids of high quality direct from manufacturers at low prices. Buy steroids at the cheapest price in our online store at http://www.halfpricegear.com To buy any other medication just browse Halfpricegear.com