
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Things to consider before starting a first steroid cycle

Discipline and dedication are principles that you are going to have to master if you are serious about bodybuilding, being consistent with your diet and training will help you succeed in achieving your goals. Don't have tunnel vision in thinking you will only build muscle if your taking Steroids, below are some of the main principles you need to consider before taking any anabolic steroids.

In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take steroids too young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

Taking steroids too young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

You need a few years of hard training under your belt before even considering taking any kind of anabolic support, people who jump on a steroid cycle to soon without having some quality years under their belt usually results in injuries, it takes time to develop your connective tissue, tendons and nervous system to heavy overload training. Slowly getting your own system use to these kinds of extreme's will only help in muscle growth later on when you do decide to start taking AAS.

Build a solid foundation for muscle tissue to grow and maintaining and development will be far greater than without it. Many younger guys will start cycling before they have reached their genetic potential which is crazy when a good solid diet and training program will be far beneficial and productive to muscle building.

Workouts should be mainly focused on basic movements with a priority of over loading the muscle each and ever time you train, increasing your strength and ability to lift in proper form will help with building the foundation for future development

A lot of younger bodybuilders don't know how to eat. Researching and understanding how your own body responds will help you get to your natural limit, the right food at the right time and a full understanding of proteins,carbs, and fats will only help you succeed in achieving your natural goals. Keeping a diet diary will also help you understand the importance of macro, nutrients, calories and should help you see in which areas you could be going wrong in adding lean muscle tissue.

No matter how much anabolic support you have it will be worthless without proper nutrition, food will help build and maintain your valued muscle weather its natural, cycling or in PCT. Adjusting your food intake and consuming muscle building foods coupled with a solid training program will help you achieve your natural limit and foundation before you start Steroid use.

This area is a huge problem with the younger guys and I can't express enough how important diet/food is when first starting out, post and pre training nutrition are very important and understanding how to load and feed the body will help push growth and create a very natural anabolic environment.

Monday, December 9, 2013


CALIFORNIA’S OMAR DECKARD knows size. Competing at a massive 260 pounds, the super heavyweight built his foundation by training like a powerlifter. Now his routine reflects a mix of those strength-lifting concepts and the higher-rep sets needed to bring about a muscle pump.
“Your first exercise is the most important one in your workout because that’s when you’ll be able to push yourself the hardest,” Omar says. “Choose mass movements like the bench press to start.”
To build your pecs, a squeeze at the apex of every rep is vital.

START: Lie squarely on the incline bench, which should be set at a fairly low angle. Hold the dumbbells just outside your shoulders.
MOVE: Forcefully press the weights up in an arc until your arms are fully extended above your chest. Reverse the motion, being sure not to overstretch your shoulders by lowering the weights below chest level.

START: This version of the pec-deck flye machine has handles instead of elbow pads. (Both versions of the pec deck are effective, acceptable choices.) Adjust the seat so that your shoulders, elbows and hands are on the same horizontal plane after you grab the handles.
MOVE: With your back squarely against the pad, forcefully bring the handles all the way together, making sure to keep your elbows up to make the movement more efficient and to reduce the risk of injury. Reversing the motion, allow the handles to go back to a point at which you feel a strong stretch in your pecs before beginning your next rep.

START: Lying across a flat bench, keep your glutes low, which affords you a greater stretch.
MOVE: Holding the inside edge of a dumbbell at arm’s length overhead, allow the weight to go behind you, keeping your arms straight, stretching your pecs and lats but keeping your hips down. Reversing direction, pull the weight back up, breathing out only after reaching the uppermost position to ensure that your core is stable throughout the movement.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Clenbuterol And Triiodothyronine

 Clenbuterol has taken a firm place in the "pharmacological arsenal" bodybuilders.

As for Triiodothyronine else Dan Duchaine said that this drug is a best friend of a dieting bodybuilder and his worst enemy. The phrase is too beautiful to be true. But almost all of it - the truth. At present, however, T3 is not the best preparation for burning excess fat - this is its bypassed metformin and DNP, and the worst enemy can be unambiguously is the latter drug.


To enhance the fat burning effect makes sense combined use of Clenbuterol and Triiodothyronine. Clenbuterol was almost indispensable at a time when caloric intake greatly reduced. It must be said that the high-carbohydrate diet, which many bodybuilders "confession" for much of the preparatory period, teaches the body to ignore this source of fuel as fat. And in a low-carbohydrate diet in our bodies can not adjust and switch to using "fat reserves" instead of "throwing in the furnace" proteins, which it extracts from our own so hard to build muscle. So, Clenbuterol puts everything in its place, causing the body to switch to a more suitable form of "fuel" - namely, the subcutaneous fat. That is the main purpose of Clenbuterol - utilization of fats and maintaining muscle during the "dry".

In Triiodothyronine usage the most difficult thing is its correct dosage. T3 too much - and you start to lose weight, a lot of weight. Moreover, the vast majority of it will fall exactly on the muscle mass. There were times when athletes lose "for triiodothyronine" up to 10 pounds of muscle - only because of errors in the dosage of the drug. It seems that it is very difficult to give specific advice - basically all depends on the experience of the athlete. But if used correctly, "on drying" drug gives an impressive performance, enabling fast enough to get rid of excess body fat. The use of clenbuterol results down-regulation b-adrenergic receptors, so it is welcome to limit two-week period, followed by a two-week break for recovery of b-adrenergic receptors. And here a very useful property of triiodothyronine have a positive effect on the activity of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) and to thus upregulation (increased) b-adrenergic receptors.

Clenbuterol has many side effects, such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety and a general feeling of abnormal heart rhythm. "Remarkable" side effect is pronounced upper limb tremor (shaking hands). However, a week after the start of the drug all the side effects gradually fade. Admission Clenbuterol at doses exceeding 1.2 mg, for people can be fatal. So try to avoid unnecessary experiments to "enhance fat-burning properties" of the drug. The worst side effect of triiodothyronine definitely can be considered the abuse of this drug. Alas, make irreversible changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland is not difficult.
Contrary to some people's idea of clenbuterol as an ancient preparation, it was designed not so long ago. Immediately after the creation of Clenbuterol was in the category of iconic products - its properties endow anabolic and fat burning agent at a time! That is, the drug is, in theory, should also help to increase muscle and burn excess body fat. Truly, the combination for bodybuilders priceless. And this despite the fact that its structure was not clenbuterol hormonal drug that is initially been spared from the inherent side effects of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, the inspection of clenbuterol and could not resist. First, it was quickly found that their structure newly created drug is as close to certain hormones, namely - to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Second, the properties anabolic Clenbuterol showed only in experiments on animals, persistently "ignoring" people, even in those cases where the dose was adjusted to 1000-1200 mg per day, which is simply not safe to live. Third, fat burner drug proved quite mediocre, only slightly exceeding the ephedrine and significantly inferior growth hormone, not to mention the DNP. However, in combination with the properties T3 fat burner Clenbuterol evidence is better, but still ... And, yet, despite this apparent frustration,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Optimizing Male Hormones: TESTOSTERONE AND DHT

Everyone is always interested “How do I increase testosterone levels,” or “What do I take to increase testosterone levels.”  One problem with these questions is that testosterone is only one piece of a delicate puzzle that is our hormones in the male body.  There is another hormone called DHT that is up to 10x more anabolic than testosterone and is responsible for well-being, concentration and brain health, energy, sex drive, and confidence.  Insulin is another powerful hormone that has a tremendous affect on body composition, fat loss, strength and muscle gain.  Being able to optimize these hormones will do worlds of good for the male physique.  I will address DHT and insulin more later on.  Another problem with this thinking is that increasing testosterone is only trying to cure the “symptoms” and is not addressing the cause.  We all love to just take a pill and have everything go away.  That is our culture in the western world, and it is a sad thing.  The same guys that are worried about their “T” levels also have a stressful job, a nagging wife, terrible sleep quality, and shaky diets.  No wonder you feel like shit!  Taking a pill will not fix your life into a magical dream world where your boss is all of a sudden mother Teresa and your wife turns into a loving and caring Meghan Fox.  Most of the men that I talk to are brainwashed to think that if they raise testosterone than they will be a sexual god and a beast in the gym.  This is not the case.  Hormonal balance is what we need to strive for.  Testosterone is only one piece of the pie.  Keeping the right ratios of testosterone to estrogen, decreasing insulin resistance, optimizing DHT, DHEA, and androstenedione ratios.  I know this sounds complicated but if you continue reading you will find that hormonal optimization is not only relatively simple, but it is one the best decisions a man can make in life.  Hormonal balance and optimization is the #1 priority when a man wants to increase vitality, energy, sex drive, confidence, healthy aggression, muscle gain, fat loss, and achieve a healthy drive and lust for life.


DHT has been given a bad rep.  There is a common misconception that it may lead to enlarged prostate and possibly prostate cancer.  Modern science has since contradicted this belief and DHT is making its way back into the spotlight.  See, DHT is responsible for manly traits.  In fact, testosterone is actually a DHT prohomormone which means testosterone converts into DHT along with a couple other things.  When a man reaches an elevated DHT level he will experience a sense of well-being, drive, strength, decrease in estrogen, and a huge boost in the bedroom.   Taking substances like Proscar, Finasteride, etc. will lower your DHT levels and in turn make you feel like shit.  In Europe, they offer a DHT gel but in the USA, you cannot buy it without a prescription.  There are a few PHs that convert to DHT that are legal and non-toxic.  Those products are Forerunner 5-Alpha Test, AMS Epi-1 Test, and LG’s EpiAndro.  These products are very effective in increasing DHT levels in the body but will also be suppressive.  This means that when you come off these products you will have a rebound affect where you may have to run a post cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore natural hormone levels.  Other than these options, eating a clean diet, keeping testosterone elevated, and staying away DHT suppressing drugs will help your body optimize itself.  Basically, for the body to naturally optimize DHT, we have to optimize the other hormones that work towards that process.


Testosterone is great, but only on an individual basis.  This means that different levels will be beneficial to different men.  People respond differently.  Testosterone  does a lot of good for your body including keeping your heart healthy, maintaining and building muscle, increasing vigor and sex drive, confidence, decreasing body fat, and increasing mental clarity.  The problem with testosterone is that it also converts to estrogen via the aromatizing process.  An increase in testosterone will also increase your estrogen, which can lead to water retention, emotional instability, impotence, tiredness, and high blood pressure.  Your body is already tuned to a point so maxing out testosterone levels is not always the best approach.  On the other had, freeing up unused testosterone, AND keeping estrogen levels on the lower end, is one of the best ways to receive more of the benefits from hormones that you already have.  There are two measurements of testosterone in the body called Free and Total.  Total is the amount of testosterone that is in your body.  Free testosterone is the stuff that your body can actually use.  So as men, free testosterone is the only number we care about.  We want out testosterone to be free to do all its manly goodness.  The best natural way to increase testosterone lies in a combination of habit changes.  Exercising regularly, having sex, and eating healthy are some of the most important things in maximizing testosterone.  A high percentage fat diet has been shown to increase testosterone in men.  I usually eat around 35%fat, 45%protien, and 20% carbs.  I find that I do much better and have more energy on a high fat/low carb diet.  Zinc has also been shown to increase free testosterone levels.  Zinc blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.  Zinc Citrate is the best “version” for absorption.  I take zinc everyday and have been for three years now.  It’s really cheap and you can find it anywhere.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Prohormones have grown in popularity over the past decade, with many bodybuilding and sport supplement companies developing and marketing new prohormones, and many bodybuilders and athletes using the supplements as a legal way of hopefully obtaining steroid like effects. Prohormones work by being a precursor to a parent steroid, such as Testosterone, which requires conversion via an enzymatic process. Due to the steroid conversion being limited by this enzymatic process, we are usually likely to see less potent effects from using prohormones, compared to using anabolic androgenic steroids.

Prohormones are commonly used by bodybuilding and athletes for the very same reason they would look to use anabolic androgenic steroids. Prohormones bring about a heightened level of potent muscle building hormones which result in muscle hypertrophy, increase in strength, greater aggressiveness, and other anabolic and androgenic characteristics (some positive and others possibly negative, such as acne or male pattern baldness).
Side effects from prohormone use

Side effects from prohormone use is the same, although likely to a lesser degree, as anabolic androgenic steroid use. Side effects differ from one prohormone to another (just as we would expect from steroids), depending greatly on the prohormones aromatisation rate to oestrogen, and the parent steroid hormone anabolic and androgenic properties. Oestrogen related side effects can be a possibility from prohormone use, including increased water retention, and the chance of devolving Gynecomstia (breast tissue development). If these side effects are unwanted then using a prohormone with a low conversion rate to oestrogen would be preferred, although it would not totally eliminate the possibility of experiencing such side effects. Androgenic side effects are common from prohormone usage, commonly including acne, oily skin, male pattern baldness and prostate swelling. A post cycle therapy is best implemented post prohormone cycle, like with any anabolic androgenic steroid cycle, to try to help restore the users natural testosterone production. There are over the counter supplements which are marketed at helping post prohormone cycle, although the most effective method is said to be the employment of drugs such as Nolvadex and/or Clomid. You can read more about this in our post cycle therapy (PCT) article.
Common prohormones

4-AD (4-androstenediol)

Available in transdermal and oral forms, 4-AD has a conversion rate to Testosterone of around 15-20%, and three times that of androstenedione. 4-AD is a popular prohormone due to its inability to convert to oestrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone), although some aromatisation may result from the metabolism of the prohormone.

We can expect androgenic side effects from 4-AD use, so acne, oily skin and MPB should be prepared for.

Common dosages of 4-AD is generally up to 100mg each day, although a lower dosages should be used by inexperienced users.

1-AD (1-androstenediol)

1-AD converts to the very potent 1-Testosterone, a steroid that is said to be 700% more anabolic then Testosterone, furthermore 5-alpha reduced so lacks the ability to cause aromatisation. 1-AD is very oral active, possessing a very high conversion rate due to the liver activating the prohormone upon passing, and resistant to being broken down unlike other prohormones.

1-AD manifests its androgenic nature very quickly, therefore androgenic side effects can be very much expected from its usage, and therefore may not be a suitable prohormone for those prone to such side effects.
A final word of caution

Hopefully you have read the above and are now well aware of the possible side effects from the use of prohormones. Prohormones should not be under estimated, and unfortunately they often are because of their availability of legal status. Research and preparation should be done prior to a prohormone cycle, just as with an anabolic androgenic steroid cycle. If you know others which are thinking of embarking on a prohormone cycle please email this article to them so they are well aware of the risked involved with prohormone use.

Although prohormones can be potentially dangerous if not understood and misused, in the educated hands who has prepared for all possible side effects, prohormones use can result in a very pronounced anabolic environment for heightened muscle growth, better recovery, and increase strength gains.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nolvadex and HCG in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

One of the most frequently asked questions is how to properly use the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) drugs Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG correctly.

How to take Nolvadex for PCT
As an alternative to Clomid, which has been reported to have led to unwanted side effects such as visual disturbances in some users, Nolvadex can be employed. Nolvadex is a trade name for the drug Tamoxifen. Like Clomid, the half life of Nolvadex is relatively long enabling the user to implement a single daily dosing schedule. Administration would start as per the timescales outlined above and the duration would be identical to that of Clomid.

Typically, for a moderate-heavy cycle, the following dosages would be used:
Day 1 - 100mg
Following 10 days - 60mg
Following 10 days - 40mg

Occasionally, heavier cycles containing perhaps Nandrolone (Deca) or Trenbolone which by definition are particularly suppressive of the HPTA, may require a slightly longer therapy. Likewise, more modest/shorter cycles may require lower dosages, perhaps dropping each by 20mg per day.

Some users like to use both Clomid and Nolvadex in their PCT in an attempt to cover all angles. An example of the dosages involved might be:

Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

Of course, the examples provided are not set in stone and may be adjusted depending on the factors outlined above and individual variances.

Using HCG
It is our opinion that HCG is probably one of the most misunderstood and misused compounds in bodybuilding. Hopefully this information will go some way towards rectifying that for the members of MuscleTalk. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and is not a steroid, but a natural peptide hormone which develops in the placenta of pregnant women during pregnancy to controls the mother's hormones. (Incidentally, this is the reason you may hear of people testing for growth hormone (HGH) with a pregnancy testing kit - If their HGH shows 'pregnant', they've been ripped-off with cheaper HCG - but we digress slightly).

Its action in the male body is like that of LH, stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone even in the absence of endogenous LH. HCG is therefore used during longer or heavier steroid cycles to maintain testicular size and condition, or to bring atrophied (shrunken) testicles back up to their original condition in preparation for post-cycle Clomid therapy. This process is necessary because atrophied testicles produce reduced levels of natural testosterone, this situation should be rectified prior to post-cycle Clomid therapy.

HCG administration post-cycle is common practice among bodybuilders in the belief that it will aid the natural testosterone recovery, but this theory is unfounded and also counterproductive. The rapid rise in both testosterone, and thus oestrogen due to aromatisation, from the administration of HCG causes further inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis - feedback loop discussed above); this actually worsens the recovery situation. HCG does not restore the natural testosterone production.

The typically observed dosing of 2000 to 5000IU every 4 to 5 days causes such an increase in oestrogen levels via aromatisation of the natural testosterone that this has been responsible for many cases of gynecomastia.

From the above discussion it is clear that HCG is best used during a cycle, either to:

1) Avoid testicular atrophy, or
2) Rectify the problem of an existing testicular atrophy.

HCG Dosage
Smaller doses, more frequently during a cycle will give best overall results with least unwanted side effects. Somewhere between 500IU and 1000IU per day would be best over about a two-week period. These doses are sufficient to avoid/rectify testicular atrophy without increasing oestrogen levels too dramatically and risking gynecomastia. This dosing schedule also avoids the risk of permanently down-regulating the LH receptors in the testes.

It is important for the HCG administration to have been completed with 6 or 7 clear days before the onset of PCT in order to avoid inhibition of the Nolvadex and/or Clomid therapy. Also, a small daily dose (10-20mg) of Nolvadex would normally be used in conjunction with HCG in order to prevent oestrogenic symptoms caused by sudden increases in aromatisation.

Presentation and Administration of HCG
Synthetic HCG is often known as Pregnyl (generic name) and is available in 2500iu and 5000iu (not ideal for the above doses!). Administration of the compound is either by intra-muscular or subcutaneous injection. It comes as a powder which needs to be mixed with the sterile water. The powder is temperature-sensitive prior to mixing and should not be exposed to direct heat. After mixing, it should be kept refrigerated and used within a few weeks - though there are sterility issues which need to be considered after mixing.

Summary and Presentation of Clomid and HCG
Clomid and/or Nolvadex are more effective than HCG post cycle, but some long-term users like to use HCG during a cycle, or to prepare the testes for Clomid and/or Nolvadex therapy.

Clomid is available in 50mg tablets most commonly, but also comes in 25mg capsule, often in boxes of 24 tablets. Tamoxifen is made by a number of manufacturers and comes in 10mg or 20mg tablets, most commonly 30 x 20mg tablets. HCG generally comes in kits of three ampoules of powder needing to be mixed with the provided injectable water as 1500IU, 2500IU or 5000IU per ampoule kits.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Best Oral Steroids

What are the best steroids? This is a tricky question and one that can’t be answered with a single anabolic steroid. With literally hundreds of anabolic steroids available to us deciding which is the best steroids is difficult. We can however, decide which steroid is best suited for your goals or point you in the right direction. There are a number of factors, which can determine the best steroid for you, the user. Your age, past experience, gender, goals, training experience, weight, level of muscle mass, current health state and genetics. Below we will try to discuss this in more detail and determine the best steroids available and optimally suited.

Oral steroids are some of the most popular steroids ever used. They can be considered for the title of best steroids, but shouldn’t be used alone in most cases. The standard foundation of a backbone of testosterone is suggested and then an oral steroid can be added as secondary compound or used as a kick-start or finisher.  Some of the most popular steroids still used and ever used are below. All these can be considered for the title of best steroids, but they need to be put into separate categories as well, such as the best steroids for cutting, best steroid for bulking.

    Dianabol (Methandrostenolone, Dbol, D-Bol)
    Anadrol (Oxymetholone, Adrol, Abombs or Drol)
    Anavar (Oxandrolone)
    Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, Tbol, Oral Turinabol, OT)
    Winstrol (GP Stan)
    Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone, Halo)
    Proviron (Mesterolone)
    Primobolan (Methenolone, Primo)

These oral steroids can be used for bulking and some best suited for cutting. For example, Dianabol is one of the most popular anabolic steroids ever used and has been around since the 1960’s. Dianabol can be considered one of the best steroids (oral) as its probably the most popular and well known oral steroid in existence. Those wanting extra muscle mass with low side effects use Dianabol widely today. It was first developed to add mass and strength to the Olympic USA Team after they lost to their Russian competitors by their Olympic Team doctor – Dr. John Zeigler.

Anavar and Winstrol are closely followed in terms of popularity and women can use both of these steroids as they have better safety profiles than others. As opposed to Dianabol and Anadrol being used in extremely low doses because of virilisation side effects and symptoms. Many tout Anavar and Winstrol as the best steroids for overall mass and fat loss and their overall popularity confirms this. Both these anabolic steroids are the user-friendliest around and so can be considered as the best steroids because of their qualities in the oral category.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best and Worst Anabolic Steroid Choices for Beginner Steroid Cycles

It is important for every beginner to understand what is an appropriate choice for a cycle and what is not, and what choices are merely acceptable (not a stellar choice but not a horrible one either). It has already been established that a very first cycle consisting of Testosterone-only is the best and safest choice for a beginner. The reasons for such a choice have already been made very clear. With this being said, the most appropriate choices of compounds will be covered here.

One very important detail to be made clear to any and all beginners is the fact that not only should oral anabolic steroids not be used in a cycle, but that absolutely no cycle should ever consist of only oral anabolic steroids under any circumstances. The decision to run a cycle consisting of only a single anabolic steroid and no injectable compounds is most usually the very first decision of any beginner or individual looking to begin anabolic steroid use. This is usually the result of a fear of needles, but this must be overcome, and once overcome it becomes much easier afterwards. Oral steroids are not designed to be run solitarily (on their own), and instead serve to act as supplementary compounds to a solid base cycle that should always include injectable compounds, of which an essentially required injectable being Testosterone (for every single cycle). Injectable compounds are the base compounds of any cycle, and all orals are meant to be supplementary or ‘kickstarting’ compounds (this will be explained later).

Cutting Cycle. With this being said, there are various injectable compounds that require very frequent injections, while there are also more beginner-friendly compounds that require infrequent administration of injections. For example, Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate are both known as long-estered compounds that exhibit a very slow window of release and a long half-life incomparison to other fast-acting anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Propionate. Long-estered compounds such as Testosterone Enanthate are commonly utilized by beginners and are very suitable for beginners due to the fact that beginners and first-time users are commonly shy, scared, and/or squeamish when the issue of needles and injections are concerned.

Once again, the reader must be reminded that anabolic steroids are very serious drugs, and every individual, if considering the use of anabolic steroids, must engage in proper administration protocols. If an individual is not serious enough to perform proper administration via injection of anabolic steroids, then he/she is not serious enough to engage in anabolic steroid use.

The following lists are in order of the most appropriate choice of compounds to the most inappropriate (top to bottom of the lists):

- Testosterone Enanthate
- Testosterone Cypionate
- Sustanon 250 (blend of 4 different esterified Testosterone variants)
- Testosterone Propionate

- Testosterone Enanthate
- Testosterone Cypionate
- Sustanon 250 (blend of 4 different esterified Testosterone variants)
- Testosterone Propionate
- Equipoise (AKA Boldenone Undecylenate)
- Deca-Durabolin (AKA Nandrolone Decanoate)
- Injectable Winstrol (AKA Stanozolol)

- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
- Oral Winstrol (AKA GP Stan 10)
- Dianabol (Methandrostenolone, Methandienone)
- Anavar (Oxandrolone)
- Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)
- Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)

- Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
- Masteron (Drostanolone)
- Trenbolone

In the case of anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Sustanon 250, Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) and Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate), these anabolic steroids are known as long-estered compounds. As mentioned earlier, this indicates that they possess long half-lives and must be injected twice weekly where the full weekly dose is split evenly into two injections. For example, a 500mg/week Testosterone Enanthate cycle would require a 250mg injection on Monday followed by a 250mg injection on Thursday. This is so as to maintain proper stable steady peak blood plasma levels of the hormone. Although individuals can still make progress with a single weekly injection, twice weekly injections are ideal in order to maintain stable and steady peak blood plasma levels. Failure to do so will result in increased incidence and intensity of side effects due to peaks and valleys in unstable blood plasma levels.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Building Muscle with Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides

Growth hormone can be a very confusing subject to those who don't take the short time it takes to understand how it works in our body, how it is released in our body, and how we as people can manipulate these secretions.

For those that do some research and learn how to use these powerful compounds, the potential to create new muscle is unlimited. Peptides are here to become the next generation of performance enhancement and muscle building compounds. Taking a short time to  gain an understanding about how they work, will be the key to gaining huge amounts of muscle and untold brute strength, while burning bodyfat permanently. First, lets take a look at out bodies normal GH, how it is released, and the benefits it has on us.

Growth Hormone is a 191-amino acid polypeptide that is produced naturally in our body by our anterior pituitary. HGH is a protein that stimulates the body cells to increase both in size, as well as undergo more rapid cell division than usual. It enhances the movement of amino acids through cell membranes and also increases the rate at which these cells convert these molecules into proteins. It also increases the body's IGF levels, which is most likely the sole reason for reported muscle gains in users, and IGF is well known for muscle and cartilage repair. This growth hormone, called Somatotropin, is different then the normal HGH that we think of when we think of bodybuilder and athletes using GH for performance enhancement. HGH is really rHGH, or "recombinant HGH" which means it was made using DNA technology. This rHGH is called Somatropin, and is what is found being sold on the black market to bodybuilders and athletes. Now here's the sad part, almost all of the black market rHGH today is not the 191 amino rHGH that you are expecting to put into your body. True, 191 amino HGH is 22kda in weight, and I can almost guarantee you wont find that in the fridge of any of your local gym rats. Companies have removed aminos from the chain, as 191 aminos is a very long and difficult chain to produce. Many producers have found that folding the amino chain over on top of itself to shorten it work to their benefit. Either way, when you inject rHGH into your body, you are introducing a sub-part substitute to your natural GH and may eventually effect or inhibit your natural producing of that quality GH.

So what can be done about this? This is where the new peptides come in, GHRP and GHRH. First we will look at GHRP(6). GHRP, or Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide, is a GH secretagogues peptide. What does that mean? Well, when introduced into our body, GHRP induces our pituitary to secrete GH. What is more interesting is that it does it from a completely different receptor then GHRH does (we will get to GHRH later). These GHRP secretagogues act like synthetic ghrelinmimetics (keyword being mimetics). This is the reason for hunger reported with GHRP use, because ghrelin is naturally released by the stomach lining to induce hunger in humans. Because GHRP stimulates our natural secretion from the pituitary, we are getting the top quality, 191 amino GH in our bodies... no gimmicks and no substitutes. We are getting elevated levels of this, and the best part is it is being produced by our own body. rHGH use has been known to inhibit natural production, and GHRP has been used to restart a persons natural production. Other peptides that fall into the GHRP category are hexarelin, and Ipamorelin.

On the other side, saturating a totally different receptor, we have GHRH. A growth hormone releasing hormone is a 44 amino peptide that is produced and our hypothalamus, and sent down to our pituitary to stimulate the growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (GHRH-r) as a signal to start producing GH. An added benefit of GHRH is that it promotes slow-wave sleep directly, and can stimulate the pituitary alongside of a GHRP. An example of a GHRH would be CJC-195. Besides the advantage of our own natural GH, another advantage of CJC is that it has a much more prolonged effect on our GH levels in the body (increased half-life).

So now, we move onto dosing. We will start with  - GHRP-6. I like using GHRP-6 post workout, before my meal. It helps me increase my nutrition uptake, and it is also great at that time because I pin IGF pre workout (which is on the negative feedback loop), so pinning GHRP later will keep your body up and producing GH naturally and working with your natural IGF. Also, mid day is when your GH levels are at their lowest, so this is an optimal time to pulse. Dosing ranges from the minimal 100mcg, to what I take, 500mcg. For a GHRH, we want to pretty much base it off the same time schedule, but days taken will be a little different. For CJC1295 DAC, we want to dose it from 1mg to 2mg per week, splitting the dose up in half and taking them 3 days apart. For example, 1mg on Monday and 1mg on Thursday is a fine and effective protocol. As for all the others, GHRP-2, hexarelin, Ipamorelin, CJC no-DAC well you're capable of researching them on your own. For even better results, we can pulse GHRP while we have CJC in our systems, hitting our pituitary from both types of receptors, and keeping it doing its natural GH pulse. For this reason supplementing a GHRP with a GHRH yields great results.

Monday, September 23, 2013

GP Oxan - Brand Version Steroid Oxandrolone

GP Oxan is the trademark name of the anabolic steroid Oxandrolone. Introduced in the US in 1964, Anavar is considered a Class I steroid. It is taken orally and has few known side Oxandrolone effects, binding well with the androgen receptor when taken in sufficient dosage.

Compared to other anabolic steroids available in the market GP Oxan is mildly anabolic, only slightly androgenic, and is not very toxic. It is also mild on the body's Hypothalamic-Testicular-Pituitary-Axis (HPTA) and does not aromatize or convert to estrogen a major problem for stronger anabolic steroids, which causes unwanted breast tissue to form (man boobs), called gynecomastia. As with any anabolic steroid however, high dosage of Anavar can reduce the production of luteinizing hormone (LH), halting the stimulation of Leydig cells in testicles to produce testosterone, and therefore can cause the testes to shrink or to atrophy. High dosages of Anavar (about 40-50mg) require Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to stabilize protein catabolism and normalize the body's testosterone secretion. Anavar is also very popular because of its fat burning capability. Called a "fat-burning steroid," GP Oxan (Anavar) is said to reduce abdominal and visceral fat for those with the low to normal natural testosterone range.

Doctors usually prescribe Anavar for halting wasting related to AIDS and recovering involuntary weight loss to promote the regrowth of muscles. The drug Oxandrolone has also been used in treating cases of Osteoporosis in the past, showing partially successful results. Due to bad publicity in the abuse of the steroid however, Searle Laboratories (now Pfizer, Inc.) discontinued the sale of oxandrolone, but was later picked up by Bio-Technology General Corporation (now Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc.), released in 1995 under the trademark name Oxandrin. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Oxandrolone for orphan drug status in treating weight loss caused by HIV, Turner's syndrome, and alcoholic hepatitis. Oxandrolone has also showed positive results in treating hereditary angioedema and anemia. In a study of the effect of Oxandrolone on burnt victims, those treated with Oxandrolone were found to have improved body composition, reduce hospital stay time, and preserved muscle mass.

Because GP Oxan is a mild steroid, it may require a higher dosage compared to stronger steroids. It is not without side effects however. Those thinking of upping their dosage for this drug just because it is comparably mild should think twice. Some studies show that there is a link between the prolonged use of Anavar and liver toxicity, similar to the effects of 17-alkylated steroids. Even in lesser dosages, some users have reported side effects such as nausea, bloating, itching (hives), gastro-intestinal problems, depression, skin rash, diarrhea, yellowing of the skin or eyes, unusual bleeding, swelling, and unusually colored stools. In rare cases, serious or even fatal liver problems can occur, as well as the development of heart disease. Regular laboratory testing is highly recommended when taking this drug, to closely monitor the liver and to ensure that low density lipoprotein (LDL; also called the 'bad cholesterol') has not increased.
For bodybuilders, normal dose for a first time Anavar user is considered to be at 10-30 mg's per day. However, 10 mg may be sufficient for someone who has never taken anabolic steroids beforehand. Higher dosages may lead to androgen receptor damage, HPTA suppression, and liver damage.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP)

NPP was never really all that popular simply because of availability issues. Many of the pharmacy grade NPP products range between 25mg-50mg/ml and are extremely expensive. Naturally, this limited its use among the bodybuilding crowd.

The recent increase in popularity of NPP can be attributed to the introduction of GP Phenyl 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals.

With NPP, you can bypass all that dead time.
19-Nortestosterone based drugs are known to shutdown HPTA very easily - think Trenbolone. Most bodybuilders will use Tren for around 6 weeks at the beginning of a cycle. NPP should be used in a similar manner.

Here's an example of a balanced cycle consisting of NPP

W1-6: Dbol
W1-6: NPP
W1-8: Test Prop

It is a good idea to run Test 2 weeks past the NPP, however; NPP can be used as a stand-alone.

Earlier, I compared NPP to Tren. They are similar in some ways but Tren is much more androgenic and stronger in general.

NPP shares some of the same sides associated with Deca (they are after all the same base compound). It should be noted that most of the sides that come with Deca are a result of its long ester. Decanoate ester is very hard to control and Nandrolone side effects are not easily countered like Testosterone related sides (Tamoxifen, Anastrozole, finasteride)

Overall, Nandrolone is a milder compound than Testosterone and is better mg for mg (but that's a matter of opinion)

Nandrolone PhenylProp should be injected at least every 3 days. A typical dose is 350mg-700mg a week for 5-8 weeks.

It stacks very well with Winstrol, Dbol, Test, EQ, Anavar

It does not stack well with Tren and especially Anadrol

Here are some good cycle suggestions:

Fast Acting Classic Test/Deca/Dbol cycle:

W1-6: Dbol 30mg ED
W1-6: NPP 150mg EOD
W1-8: Test Prop 150mg EOD

Highly Anabolic cycles

W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
W1-8: Anavar: 30mg ED

W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
W1-8: Winny: 50mg ED

A good First cycle:

W1-6: NPP: 150mg E3D
W1-4: Dbol: 25mg ED
(W5-8: Anavar: 30mg ED - optional)

NPP in a typical cycle

W1-10: EQ 400mg a week
W1-9: Test Cyp 600mg a week
W1-8: NPP 200mg E3D
W10-13: Test Prop 150mg EOD

Nandrolone got a very bad rap with many bodybuilders; there is no reason to use Nandrolone Decanoate if NPP available aside from year-round juicer using it for joint pain. Nandrolone is a tremendous bodybuilding drug that can take your physique to a whole different level but many people shy away from it because of what they have heard or experienced with Deca.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why Athletes and Bodybuilders Use Clenbuterol

Why Athletes and Bodybuilders Use Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a decongestant and bronchodilator prescribed to those suffering from chronic breathing disorders, particularly asthma, to make breathing easier. It is available in salt form as Clenbuterol hydrochloride, as well as in 20mcg tablets, in syrup, and in injectable form. Clenbuterol belongs to the broad group of sympathomimetic drugs, affecting the sympathetic nervous system in various ways, mediated by the distribution of adrenoceptors.

Other uses of Clenbuterol
Clenbuterol is a 2 adrenergic agonist with some similarities to ephedrine a sympathomimetic amine used as an appetite suppressant, stimulant, decongestant, concentration aid, and treatment for hypotension related to anesthesia but with more potent and longer-lasting effect as stimulant and as a thermogenic drug. Clenbuterol causes an increase in CNS stimulation, aerobic capacity, oxygen transportation, and blood Clenbuterolpressure. It also increases the rate at with protein and fat is used up in the body and also helps slow down the storage of glycogen. Because of these effects, Clenbuterol is commonly used as a relaxant for smooth muscles, as well as an aid for weight loss. It is prescribed in dosages from 20-60 micrograms a day; a dose of more than 150 mg is not recommended.

Clenbuterol as a slimming aid
While Clenbuterol is approved for use in many countries as a broncholidator for asthma patients, the drug has been used as a weight loss drug or slimming aid. There are physical trainers who recommend Clenbuterol as a primary solution for achieving low body fat and better-looking cuts. In fact, it has become popular among bodybuilders and athletes.

How does it work?
Primarily a bronchodilator, Clenbuterol stimulates Beta-2 receptors, working selectively on the Beta-2-andrenergic receptors. Since it has minimal Beta-1 stimulating capability, Clenbuterol reduces airway obstruction without too much cardiovascular effect, making it a useful breathing aid for asthma patients. When Clenbuterol stimulates the Beta Receptors, it increases the body's temperature and heat production in the Mitochondria, thereby increasing the body's metabolic rate and decreasing a person's appetite. Beta-2 agonists increase lypolysis or fat loss and stimulate fat cells, making it an attractive slimming aid. Unfortunately, Beta-2 agents such as Clenbuterol can decrease insulin sensitivity and may cause high blood sugar or hyperglycemic reactions. Clenbuterol is an effective repartitioning agent, which is most often used in athletic circles. It increases the ratio of Fat Free Mass (FFM) to Fat Mass, by decreasing fat and possibly increasing FFM (3). It has a biphastic elimination and is thus reduced in the body in two different stages. Since it is a central nervous system stimulant, it acts like adrenaline and shares many of the side effects of other CNS stimulants like ephedrine. Side effects of Clenbuterol may include palpitations, tremor, restlessness, headache, insomnia, increased perspiration, and muscle spasms.

How Clenbuterol is used by athletes
Athletes usually use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the catabolic phase and obtain maximum muscle mass and strength. Clenbuterol can burn fat even without dieting because it slightly increases the body's temperature. This magnifies the effect of amdrogenic/anabolic steroids, thus some bodybuilders take these simultaneously. Clenbuterol is not approved by the FDA for medical use or as a fat loss supplement.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Steroid Mistakes

1. Lack of General Steroid Education: What you don't know can hurt you! You need to know what certain types of steroids do, how to stack and cycle for max results with minimum risks, injection procedures (you CAN kill yourself if you don't do this correctly) etc. You need to know the dangers and how to take steroids safely.

2. Listening to the Wrong Advice: You cannot take anyone advice without researching yourself from a reliable source of information (like this site). Knowledge is Power. Therefore, one must read as much as possible, gather all available information, then ask as many questions as possible. Whatever you do, just don't take advice from the first guy that comes along.

3. Starting Steroid Use Too Young: This can cause numerous problems not only physically but mentally, since most 18-20year olds are not mature enough to handle the elevated test levels and ignore the media hype of "roid rage", and physically you can damage permanently growth plates and HPTA

4. Using Counterfeits: Counterfeit steroids are a bigger problem than you would believe, there are more counterfeit steroids in the market than you would think. These steroids offer no positive gains, and some give the side effects of real steroids. Taking counterfeit steroids is like injecting poison into your body, bad effects nothing positive.

5. Using Excessive Dosages: When taking steroids, the more you take is not always the best way to go. Taking excessive dosages has become a huge problem with steroids today. It isn't only dangerous, but studies have shown it to be ineffective. The body can only use a limited amount of the steroid so the extra is turned into estrogen by the body.

6. Staying On Steroids Too Long: In several cases, steroid users avoid warning signs telling them not to go on a cycle more than 8 to 12 weeks without an off period. If an off period is not taken, there is a higher chance for the negative effects of steroids to occur. If there is no off period the body does not have a chance to recover from the steroids, so more damage is done. This also is terrible for the kidneys and liver.

7. Eating Poorly: Many people ignore magazines and educators that explain eating as being an important asset to growing, but the truth is, eating healthy has a big effect on the body. The diet must be high in calories and protein, but low in fat.

8. Training Incorrectly: When on steroids the training must be intense and difficult. Instead of the usual weight that suits you, you must do excess weight and strenuous work for the best gains. The workout should involve the maximum weight possible, and make progress each time.

9. Not Getting Regular Blood Tests: Steroids are very dangerous and can cause great problems. Blood tests should be done often and regularly. When steroids are first taken many tests become elevated but will return to normal with in a few weeks. During the off period tests should also be done to make sure the body is recovering properly. If there is a problem with the Blood test, consult a doctor that you can trust.

10. Using The Wrong Steroids: Many athletes will increase their chances of getting negative effects when they take the wrong steroids. The strongest steroids that build more muscle mass, have the most side effects. These drugs should be avoided if possible, unless there is a reason to have an unbelievable gain. But these drugs are very toxic and we would recommend not taking them.

11. Not Learning How To Hold On To Your Gains Without Steroids: Unless you learn how to do this you will never achieve true long term gains and run the risk of becoming a "non-stop user".

12. Improper Injection Procedures: This is so important that it CANNOT be skipped over, the risks of injecting without knowledge are massive, we personally know of a kid who nearly killed himself injecting steroids intravenously!

13. Lack Of Preparation and Planning: Not being fully prepared and having everything you need before you start your cycle. Not being sure you have time set aside to train correctly, prepare food, rest etc. Without careful planning and preparation you will achieve very little. Poor storage in the home, gym, or where-ever. Poor cycle stacking. Poor anti-estrogen choices.

14. Starting On Gear For the Wrong Reasons: Because your friends are doing them. Because you think everyone else in your gym is on. Thinking that if you use AAS you don't have to work as hard to gain quality muscle, not thinking about the consequences before you start, once you start you can never go back! Being willing to accept the risks associated. Don't bow to peer pressure, it's your health and your life.

15. Not Being Physically Ready to Start Steroids: Steroids are not magic, they are the icing on the cake and starting on them without first having a basic training foundation is dangerous.

16. Sacrificing Overall Health: It's not just about pure muscle gains, don't forget cardio vascular health, flexibility, internal organs, muscles, ligaments, testicles, mental health (steroid obsession - don't let steroids affect your life and relationships) etc. Thinking that because your "big" and ripped, that you're actually functionally strong. Focusing only on "showbiz" muscles and not on supporting, under-lying ones.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Testosterone Enanthate Stacking and Use

Testosterone is the most powerful compound there is, so obviously its perfectly fine to use it by itself. With a long-acting ester like Enanthate doses of 500-1000 mg per week are used with very clear results over a 10 week period. If you've ever seen a man swell up with sheer size, then testosterone was the cause of it. But testosterone is nonetheless often stacked. Due to the high occurrence of side-effects, people will usually split up a stack in testosterone and a milder component in order to obtain a less risky cycle, but without having to give up as much of the gains. Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin are the weapons of choice in this matter.

Deca seems to be the most popular, probably because of its extremely mild androgenic nature. But Deca being one of the highest risks for just about every other side-effects, I probably wouldn't advise it. If Deca is used, generally a dose of 200-400 mg is added to 500-750 mg of testosterone per week. Primobolan is sometimes opted for, and can be handy since it doesn't aromatize, which will make the total level of water retention and fat gain a lot less than with more test or with Deca for example. Unfortunately, its mild nature combined with a lack of estrogen make Primobolan a very poor mass builder. Again, doses of 300-400 mg are used. I would actually suggest a higher dose, but with the current prices for Primo I don't think it would be very popular. My personal preference goes out to Equipoise. Androgenically its not that much stronger than Deca because it has next to no affinity for the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and is only half as androgenic as testosterone. Its twice as strong as Deca, mg for mg, and has a lower occurrence of side-effects. It has some estrogen, but not a whole lot so it actually tends to lean a person out rather than bloat him up as Deca will. It also increases appetite, which promotes gains, and improves aerobic performance, which may be wishful as testosterone normally has an opposite effect.

Of course Testosterone Enanthate can be stacked with any number of compounds apart from these, but these make the best match. When stacking with testosterone, one needs to look at what the other compound can bring. Either it has a characteristic that testosterone doesn't have, or its nominally safer. The testosterone will bring all the mass, so adding another steroid to enhance mass alone, is futile. More testosterone is the best remedy for that.

One needs to be familiar with a host of other compounds when using long-acting testosterone esters however. First of all, anti-estrogens. The rate of aromatization of testosterone is quite great, so water retention and fat gain are a fact and gyno is never far off. If problems occur one is best to start on 20 mg of Nolvadex per day and stay on that until problems subside. I wouldn't stay on it for a whole cycle, as it may reduce the gains. In terms of an aromatase blocker, testosterone is one of the few compounds where Proviron may actually be preferred over arimidex. The proviron will not only reduce estrogen and can be used for extended time on a testosterone cycle, it will also bind with great affinity to sex-hormone binding proteins in the blood and will allow for a higher level of free testosterone in the body, thus improving gains. Usually 50-100 mg will suffice, the lower end is preferred for maximal results since estrogen plays a key role in gains, but those more worried about estrogen should opt for a higher dose.

For those worried about androgenic side-effects (hair loss, prostate hypertrophy, deepening of voice), one can utilize the hair loss treatment finasteride. This blocks the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and stops the conversion of testosterone to the more androgenic compound DHT. I'm not a big fan of this, because DHT reduces estrogenic bloat, increases free levels of testosterone and is a very potent androgen that is 3-4 times stronger than testosterone. Those worried about hair loss however, may want to opt for arimidex as their anti-aromatase, since Proviron is a form of DHT after all.

After a cycle, mainly due to the high aromatization and increased levels of estradiol in the blood after discontinuing, natural testosterone levels will be severely suppressed. This means steps need to be taken to assure the quick return of natural testosterone, or we stand to lose a lot of the gains we made while using testosterone. Since it's a non-toxic, potent mass-builder its mostly used in long 10-12 week cycles. So some testicular shrinkage will have occurred too. Its very important that people see that HCG and Nolvadex/clomid are essential as a post-cycle therapy, and that both are equally important in achieving our goal. HCG injections should be started the last week of the cycle and continued for 3-4 weeks, using 1500-3000 IU every 5-6 days. HCG will act as an alternative to LH and start the endogenous testosterone cycle, thereby increasing testicle size once again. Then about 2 weeks after the last shot of testosterone is given, Nolvadex/Clomid cycle should be started. 40 mg of Nolva or 150 mg of Clomid per day for two weeks, followed by two more weeks with either 20 mg of Nolva or 100 mg of Clomid per day should be adequate. Always remember that HCG is suppressive of natural testosterone itself and should be discontinued at least 2 weeks prior to finishing Nolvadex/Clomid.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


LEGS ARE THE HARDEST BODYPARTto train at home. And there’s so much great equipment available at the gym — power racks, leg presses, hack squats, leg extensions . . . you get the idea. However, as this routine proves, training legs at home is far from impossible.
The front squat was included instead of the rear squat because if you’re a seasoned lifter, you can “clean” the barbell into place if you don’t have a rack. If this isn’t an option for you, replace this move with dumbbell squats, in which you hold a dumbbell at each side to do the exercise.

START: In an upright, shoulder-width stance, take a barbell from a rack (or have a spotter help you), letting it rest along your upper chest. Grasp the bar with an Olympic-style grip, where you hold the bar in place with the ends of your fingers. This position can be stressful on your wrists, but stretching them out and slowly increasing the weight you use will help you adapt to this in due time. In addition to providing the most control over the bar, holding the bar in this manner also allows you to handle more weight and squeeze out more reps.
MOVE: Perform a basic squat, bending your knees and driving your hips back to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly beyond. (Look forward and maintain the natural arch in your back throughout the squat). Think of the movement like sitting back into a chair. From the bottom, drive back up through your heels to the start position.

START: Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and step into a lunge position, one foot forward (that knee bent 90 degrees), the back leg nearly straight, toe down, knee
not touching the ground.
MOVE: Push explosively off the ground using both legs and switch foot position mid-air, landing with your other foot forward. Repeat for reps — one full rep is two jumps.

START: Stand on a bench set next to a stationary object you can hold onto. Grasp a dumbbell in your free hand, step to the side of the bench so one leg is in the air (with no bench beneath it, as shown).
MOVE: As in a two-leg squat, keep your head up and back arched as you bend at the knee to lower yourself, moving your hips backward until your working thigh reaches a point parallel with the floor. From there, drive up through your heel back to a standing position.
Move slowly and deliberately (especially in the deep position). Your non-exercising leg can be kept either in front of your body, which is better, or behind. To get the hang of
the movement, work without the dumbbell for your first few leg workouts.

START: Grasp a stationary object with both hands and lean back with your body straight and knees extended.
MOVE: Let your knees bend and extend out in front of you and lean back as your torso descends. Slight changes in body position, such as leaning back further, can make this movement much harder. As your knees come forward, your heels will come up off the ground. At the bottom, simultaneously push down through your feet and drive your hips forward and up.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clenbuterol And Triiodothyronine

Contrary to some people's idea of clenbuterol as an ancient preparation, it was designed not so long ago. Immediately after the creation of Clenbuterol was in the category of iconic products - its properties endow anabolic and fat burning agent at a time! That is, the drug is, in theory, should also help to increase muscle and burn excess body fat. Truly, the combination for bodybuilders priceless. And this despite the fact that its structure was not clenbuterol hormonal drug that is initially been spared from the inherent side effects of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, the inspection of clenbuterol and could not resist. First, it was quickly found that their structure newly created drug is as close to certain hormones, namely - to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Second, the properties anabolic Clenbuterol showed only in experiments on animals, persistently "ignoring" people, even in those cases where the dose was adjusted to 1000-1200 mg per day, which is simply not safe to live. Third, fat burner drug proved quite mediocre, only slightly exceeding the ephedrine and significantly inferior growth hormone, not to mention the DNP. However, in combination with the properties T3 fat burner Clenbuterol evidence is better, but still ... And, yet, despite this apparent frustration, Clenbuterol has taken a firm place in the "pharmacological arsenal" bodybuilders.

As for Triiodothyronine else Dan Duchaine said that this drug is a best friend of a dieting bodybuilder and his worst enemy. The phrase is too beautiful to be true. But almost all of it - the truth. At present, however, T3 is not the best preparation for burning excess fat - this is its bypassed metformin and DNP, and the worst enemy can be unambiguously is the latter drug.


To enhance the fat burning effect makes sense combined use of Clenbuterol and Triiodothyronine. Clenbuterol was almost indispensable at a time when caloric intake greatly reduced. It must be said that the high-carbohydrate diet, which many bodybuilders "confession" for much of the preparatory period, teaches the body to ignore this source of fuel as fat. And in a low-carbohydrate diet in our bodies can not adjust and switch to using "fat reserves" instead of "throwing in the furnace" proteins, which it extracts from our own so hard to build muscle. So, Clenbuterol puts everything in its place, causing the body to switch to a more suitable form of "fuel" - namely, the subcutaneous fat. That is the main purpose of Clenbuterol - utilization of fats and maintaining muscle during the "dry".

In Triiodothyronine usage the most difficult thing is its correct dosage. T3 too much - and you start to lose weight, a lot of weight. Moreover, the vast majority of it will fall exactly on the muscle mass. There were times when athletes lose "for triiodothyronine" up to 10 pounds of muscle - only because of errors in the dosage of the drug. It seems that it is very difficult to give specific advice - basically all depends on the experience of the athlete. But if used correctly, "on drying" drug gives an impressive performance, enabling fast enough to get rid of excess body fat. The use of clenbuterol results down-regulation b-adrenergic receptors, so it is welcome to limit two-week period, followed by a two-week break for recovery of b-adrenergic receptors. And here a very useful property of triiodothyronine have a positive effect on the activity of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) and to thus upregulation (increased) b-adrenergic receptors.

Clenbuterol has many side effects, such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety and a general feeling of abnormal heart rhythm. "Remarkable" side effect is pronounced upper limb tremor (shaking hands). However, a week after the start of the drug all the side effects gradually fade. Admission Clenbuterol at doses exceeding 1.2 mg, for people can be fatal. So try to avoid unnecessary experiments to "enhance fat-burning properties" of the drug. The worst side effect of triiodothyronine definitely can be considered the abuse of this drug. Alas, make irreversible changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland is not difficult.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reviews Of Steroids on The Basis of Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is classified as a long-acting steroids. This drug is an ester of testosterone produced by the human body, being one of several chemicals that make up the testosterone. The objective of testosterone is the formation and development of male sexual characteristics.

If the testosterone in the male body produces in volume is below normal, or does not produce, then the chances of leveling, both functional and mental functions. One of testosterone enanthate applications is medicine. In particular, it shows women to use when you need treatment of some breast tumors, and teenagers and children are encouraged to take medication for the normalization of growth.

Medicine is not the only area of the drug, it is well known in sporting circles, where the steroid taking, wanting to build muscle. Of course, many believe that the problem of muscle growth and strength of will cope well and drugs like Anadrol 50, Parabolin, Finaject. This, of course, true, but with results that Allows athletes to achieve testosterone did not match any of these drugs. Testosterone enanthate is the European-made steroid, in its action and chemical composition is close to popular in the U.S. Testosterone cypionate. Duration of the impact of testosterone enanthate on the body lasts quite long, depending on the hormonal system of athletes and their metabolism. The average is 2-3 weeks, so the intervals between injections can be quite large. Although the athletes involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or triathlon, despite the duration of exposure to testosterone enanthate prefer to take it at least once every 7 days, and even more often. This is largely explained by the small half-life of testosterone enanthate, is only one week.

In comparison to other Testosterone Enanthate testosterone has one significant advantage that makes it ideal for most athletes - strong anabolic and androgenic effects on the body, allowing a significant increase in muscle mass and strength in the shortest possible time. This steroid has received feedback from many athletes with the best hand. The reason for this rapid growth of muscle is commonplace accumulation of water in the body, which, to the delight of athletes, and is accompanied by increase of force. This property Testosterone Enanthate real find for the athletes who work in high-weight category, and dealing with weight lifting. In addition to testosterone enanthate the needs of athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifter can be satisfied only by Sustanon.

Reviews of steroids on the basis of testosterone enanthate is always talking about his excellent action. Although, of course, when the body builds up an athlete is too much water, it is impossible not to notice. Because of its shape does not look quite natural, and it feels like an athlete pumped water or air, which, however, far from the truth. It seems that the athlete is strong, as he was, although in practice this is not always the case. This is especially noticeable than on competition, and in the off-season periods, when all athletes are given the idea to increase muscle mass and for the use of testosterone in huge quantities. Therefore, taking Testosterone enanthate though and gives quick results, but it must be used wisely. In addition to the accumulation of water in the body with testosterone enanthate is another drawback - high degree of aromatization of the active chemical substance, so that it is converted into estrogen. This, in turn, leads not only to the accumulation of fat is difficult to output, but also the appearance of gynecomastia, or in other words, the phenomenon of feminization.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How To Get The Most Natural HGH Secretion For Your Genetics

One of the best natural ways to get the most natural HGH secretions for your genetics is to workout at a high intensity for periods no longer than 45 minutes.
This is according to the Bulgarians Olympic power lifting studies. I personally believe you should be monitoring your affected muscles for the amount of blood
gorging they have.

The higher your testosterone and growth hormone levels, considering your diet and rest is optimal as well, you will be able to maintain a pump for longer. You
will also have a fuller pump! Cardiovascular health is crucial to saturate the blood capillaries with oxygen. Start with the goal of finishing your workouts around the forty five minute mark. If you feel that you lose your pump before this time is up, then before you completely lose your pump, quit to keep as much of the pump for as long as possible.
On the other hand if you still have a good pump at the end of the forty five minute period I suggest you keep pushing yourself until you feel your pump starting to subside. This way you can get the most amount of growth without overtraining in the least amount of time possible.Pushing yourself after your pump has subsided is a double edged sword cutting your progress in half!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Prohormone Cycle

So you have decided to embark upon your very first adventure known as a prohormone cycle! Without a doubt, you are going to enjoy the results that you are about to see. A prohormone cycle is very similar to a steroid cycle. You can’t run it as long, and it’s going to be a lot more intense, but in the end you’re probably going to see some serious muscle and strength gain, coupled with some fat loss, without the detriment of too much harm to your body.

Standard steroid cycles can last up to 16 weeks, depending upon the intensity of compounds you are running. A simple cycle of 400 mg of Testosterone Cypionate could be run for up to four months, if needed. Your liver probably wouldn’t experience too much stress from such a low dose. Granted, if you decided to add 200 mg per week of Nandrolone Decanoate to your stack, it would suddenly become necessary to limit it to 10 to 12 weeks. The more compounds you added, the more intense the cycle would become – and thus the more negative the side effects. Prohormones, as you may know, are some seriously intense compounds. Many have been banned because, well, they’re just too powerful for some users who tend to use them for too long. If you are ready to run a prohormone cycle, then you are going to want to keep it limited to 6 to 8 weeks at a time, depending upon the instructions that come with the compound. Ideally, you will also want to have a doctor check your blood levels to ensure your liver enzymes don’t jump in too significant of a manner during this stretch as well. Staying on a prohormone cycle too long might feel good at first, but the negative changes you’ll see in the long run certainly won’t be worth it.

As mentioned, prohormone cycles are very intense. Be prepared for this. Give your body a break before and after running each cycle. If you are sick or recovering from a serious illness, hold off on the cycle until you feel you are ready. There is nothing wrong with putting off a prohormone cycle. The gains will always be there when you’re ready.

Following each cycle of 6 to 8 weeks, give your body a break of 8 to 10 weeks to fully recover from the cycle you just subjected it to. We aren’t machines. We are living beings who are very fragile when it comes to exposing our internal organs to stressful compounds. Don’t risk your health by running prohormone cycles too often.

Obtaining compounds
Choose a prohormone supplement that will be readily available should you like it, and wish to return to using it down the road. Many supplements are offered by new companies which quickly fail, or the supplement themselves are quickly banned. Instead, choose a supplement such as Mesobolin, Oral Testibol, or others that have been around for years, delivering solid results to users.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How To Find a Persons Weight For a Desired % Bodyfat

If you know your present weight and % bodyfat it is possible to determine what your weight should be for any % bodyfat. This can be done by simple calculations. Firstly subtract your present % bodyfat from 100 and divide this by 100 minus the desired % bodyfat. Multiply this by the present weight and this will give you the weight for the desired % bodyfat. For example, a female 145 lb. who is now 32% bodyfat. She desires to be 21% and wants to know what she would weight if she was 21% bodyfat. Subtracting 32 from 100 she gets 68. 21 from 100 equals 79. Then, 68 divided by 79 equals 0.86. Multiply 145 lbs. x 0.86 and this will give her a desired weight of 125 lbs.

She has learned that to reduce her % bodyfat to 21%, she must lose 20 lbs. However, the above formula only works if the person reduces in such a way as not to lose muscle tissue. This can be done through adequate exercise and proper nutrition. If the weight is lost primarily through a low calories diet in a short period of time then muscle tissue will be lost, as well, and the weight for the desired % bodyfat will be correspondingly less.

Reviewing the basic calculations above:

Present % Bodyfat = 32% ~ Desired % Bodyfat = 21% ~ Present Weight = 145 lbs.
100 – 32 = 68
100 – 21 = 79
68 ÷ 79 = 0.86
Desired Weight = 145 x 0.86 = 125 lbs.

Another example of the above is a weight trainer who is currently 200 lbs. and is 21% bodyfat and wants to get to 5% bodyfat, how much weight would he have to lose to achieve this goal?

Present Bodyfat = 21% ~ Desired Bodyfat = 5% ~ Present Weight 200 lbs.
100 – 21 = 79
100 – 5 = 95
79 ÷ 95 = 0.83
200 x 0.83 = 166
200 – 166 = 34 lbs.

So to achieve a 5% bodyfat he would have to lose 34 lb of bodyfat and should have a lean body mass of 166 lbs. By having his bodyfat done on a regular basis will enable him to see if his dieting to achieve his goal involves the loss of his hard earned lean body mass (Muscle Growth).

So there you go, there's all the information you need to measure and monitor your bodyfat and lean muscle mass.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Steroid Detection Times

These detection times were taken from different sources. This table if for informational purposes only. This isn’t medical advice, only information gathered from various sources.

18 months
nandrolone decanoate
12 months
nandrolone phenylpropionate
5 months
boldenone undecyclate
metehenolone enanthate
trenbolone acetate
injectable methandienone
3 months
testosterone-mix (Sustanon & Omnadren)
testosterone enanthate
testosterone cypionate
2 months
injectabel stanozolol
drostanolone propionate
5 weeks
3 weeks
oral stanozolol
2 weeks
testosterone propionate
1 weeks
testosterone undecanoate
4 days

This list if for steroid detection times. Drug detection times. Drug testing. Drug tests.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Common Mistakes People Make During Steroids Cycles

1. Using Excessive Dosages
When taking steroids, the more you take is not always the best way to go. Taking excessive dosages has become a huge problem with steroids today. It isn’t only dangerous, but studies have shown it to be ineffective. The body can only use a limited amount of the steroid so the extra is turned into estrogen by the body.
2. Staying On Steroids Too Long
In several cases, steroid users avoid waring signs telling them not to go on a cycle more than 8 to 12 weeks without an off period. If an off period is not taken, there is a higher chance for the negative effects of steroids to occur. If there is no off period the body does not have a chance to recover from the steroids, so more damage is done. This also is terrible for the kidneys and liver.
3. Eating Poorly
Many people ignore magazines and educators that explain eating as being an important asset to growing, but the truth is, eating healthy has a big effect on the body. When on steroids the user must consume between 4000 and 7000 calories a day, not meaning eat only fat foods. The diet must be high in calories and protein, but low in fat.
4. Training Incorrectly
When on steroids the training must be intense and difficult. Instead of the usual weight that suits you, you must do excess weight and strenuous work for the best gains. The workout should involve the maximum weight possible, and make progress each time.
5. Not Getting Regular Blood Tests
Steroids are very dangerous and can cause great problems. Blood tests should be done often and regularly. When steroids are first taken many tests become elevated but will return to normal with in a few weeks. During the off period tests should also be done to make sure the body is recovering properly. If there is a problem with the Blood test, consult a doctor that you can trust.
6. Using The Wrong Steroids
Many athletes will increase their chances of getting negative effects when they take the wrong steroids. The strongest steroids that build more muscle mass, have the most side effects. These drugs should be avoided if possible, unless there is a reason to have an unbelievable gain. But these drugs are very toxic and I would recommend not taking them.
7. Using Counterfeits
Counterfeit steroids are a bigger problem than you would believe, there are more counterfeit steroids in the market than you would think. These steroids offer no positive gains, and some give the side effects of real steroids. Taking counterfeit steroids is like injecting poison into your body, bad effects nothing positive. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Closer Look at Trenbolone

Not too many steroids have an air of mystique about them quite like trenbolone. The bodybuilding literature is full of strong, unusual, and often-inaccurate statements about this drug, and consequently an air of misunderstanding has begun to cloud our view of trenbolone. The unusual history of this compound, including prolonged periods of very limited availability and high selling prices, has no doubt played a part in shaping the view of this steroid in the minds of athletes. It seems when anything is out of reach, overly expensive or both, people start looking at it in a different way. I therefore thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at the physical properties of trenbolone, as well as its current state of availability and use.

Androgenic Activity

Although derived from nandrolone, trenbolone is comparatively far more androgenic than this steroid. In fact it is several times stronger in this regard than our primary androgen testosterone as well. The first contributing factor to this of course is that trenbolone is a strong binder of the androgen receptor. This trait is also characteristic of its parent nandrolone, which is several times more active than testosterone in this regard. Androgen binding is in fact further enhanced by the introduction of double bonds in delta-9,11, which makes trenbolone an even more potent agonist of the androgen receptor than nandrolone.

Perhaps more significant though is the fact that unlike nandrolone, the strong receptor binding potency of trenbolone is not diminished in androgen sensitive tissues by 5-alpha reductase. Trenbolone does not seem to undergo 5-alpha reduction in humans to any appreciable degree at all, which is evidenced by the fact that the major urinary metabolites of trenbolone all possess the original tri-en structure with an intact delta-4 group. So trenbolone retains its original potency as it enters cells in androgen target tissues with high 5AR concentrations, as this enzyme is not affecting it. These factors work together to allow trenbolone to be a potently androgenic steroid, instead of a primarily anabolic one in nature like nandrolone.
Progestational Activity

It has been reported in other bodybuilding literature that trenbolone does not exhibit any activity as a progestin in the body. I am not certain where this belief originated, as trenbolone does appear to exhibit the classic progesterone receptor binding ability that is characteristic of nandrolone and its derivatives. One study looking at the bovine uterine progesterone receptor for example found trenbolone to be a very potent binder, startlingly even more so than progesterone itself. Another looking at the binding of various compounds to the androgen, estrogen, progestin, mineral corticoid and glucocorticoid receptors found trenbolone to be a more potent binder of the progestin receptor than nandrolone decanoate, a steroid normally noted for its usual activity in this regard.

What does this mean for trenbolone? I don’t think it really means that much. Trenbolone clearly doesn’t cause gyno, water retention or fat buildup, which one might attribute to estrogenic or progestational activity. So whatever slight action it does have as a progestin on paper doesn’t amount to all that much in the real world. The absence of estrogen may be a significant factor, as progesterone is believed to cause gyno by enhancing estrogen’s stimulation of mammary gland growth. Perhaps when trenbolone is taken with other aromatizable compounds it could affect a person’s sensitivity level to gyno and water/fat retention. This seems logical, at least in a technical sense, although admittedly I have seen no evidence to support this.

Mass or Cutting Agent

The potently androgenic and non-aromatizing nature of trenbolone makes it an extremely effective hardening and cutting agent. In fact, it is thought of as unmatched in its capacity as a body-sculpting steroid. Many competitive bodybuilders similarly find it indispensable to any good pre-contest cutting stack. For this type of purpose I doubt another steroid would serve you better. Many people do additionally find they make very good muscle gains with trenbolone. It is a potent muscle-builder, although we should probably not consider it an ideal mass-builder when used alone. The absence of estrogen is an important factor, as this trait seems integral in this type of steroid.

This probably has to do not only with water retention but also interactions between estrogen and muscle glucose utilization, GH release and androgen receptor proliferation. Today we are finally starting to understand why this hormone is needed for optimal growth. Trenbolone is probably still the most potent muscle-building agent of all the non-estrogenic steroids though, and admittedly is quite unusual in its potency in this regard. But I would still think that if mass were the goal and you were choosing only one steroid, testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol would be more productive every time in terms of overall size, weight and muscle mass gain.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cycle and Dosing Info for Primobolan

Although Primobolan (GP Prima 100) is a quality steroid, as said it is rather week. Also due to the fact that it contains (in injectable form) an enanthate ester, anything under 400mg per week is rather a pointless use of GP Prima 100 and a waste of money. Generally with AS, more does not always mean better (due to side-effects and other issues), however in the case of GP Prima 100 more does definitely equal better. If stacking GP Prima 100 with testosterone, 400-800mg per week will be an effective dose, with obviously the higher doses being the most effective. GP Prima 100 will have two main effects in such a stack. Firstly it will seem to amplify the effects of test, so 500mg of test enanthate may seem like 750mg or more. Secondly, Primo is very forgiving with one's diet. Quality muscle can still be obtained at a steady rate even with one's diet being off from time to time. However, with a spot-on diet, Primo and test will work wonders.

For those who would want to use Primo on its own or without test, you would really need to use a minimum of 600-800mg per week. If you can afford it, 1000mg per week of Primo will highly reward the user. Some people often ask about using Primo with Trenbolone. This can be done, however without test one must realise that you are likely to be quite shut down, and it is likely you would need some sex medicines as well as HCG. Despite this, for those that want a test-less cycle, Primo and Tren is a great cutting cycle. My ultimate cutting cycle however is one that incorporates Primo, Test Prop and Tren Acetate. Another very good cutting cycle that is test-free would be Primo (600-1000mg per week) with Anavar (60-80mg per day).

Due to the enanthate ester that is attached to the Methenolone base in Primo, it really should not be run for less than 8 weeks. In my opinion, I would run Primo for a minimum of 12 weeks, also bearing in mind that the Primo really kicks in at about weeks 5-6, where a real fullness of muscles is experienced. Primo is also useful at a high dose for those who use higher doses of test and experience appetite loss from this. Primo doesn't cause such appetite loss, thus when bulking this can give a chance for diet to be spot-on. Primo does suppress and shut you down as said, however it is roughly about half as suppressive as test, so a 12 week Primo cycle would shut you down similar to a 6 week test cycle. For this reason, Primo alone can be run up to 20 weeks without fear of a very difficult recovery in PCT.

Due to the enanthate ester, PCT should be run approximately 14-18days after last Primo injection.

Here are some example GP Prima 100 (Primobolan) cycles:
Test-free cycles

    GP Prima 100 600-800mg pw weeks 1-12; Anavar 60mg ed weeks 1-8
    GP Prima 100 600-800mg pw weeks 1-12; Tren Ace 75mg eod weeks 1-6
    GP Prima 100 800mg pw weeks 1-12; Masteron 400-600mg pw weeks 1-14
    GP Prima 100 1000mg per week up to 20 weeks (expensive)

2) GP Prima 100 cycles with Test

    GP Prima 100 600mg pw weeks 1-12; Test enanthate 500mg pw weeks 1-12
    GP Prima 100 600mg pw weeks 1-12; Test prop 100mg eod weeks 1-14; Tren enanthate 300-400mg pw weeks 1-10 (Superb cutting cycle for advanced user)

There are many other different cycles you could do; these are just a few examples. Generally, the amount of GP Prima 100 you will use in the cycle will be down to how much you can afford, and how many injections you mind doing. As said though, generally with GP Prima 100 , the more you can do, the better, but a minimum amount would have to be no less than 400mg/week.