
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clenbuterol And Triiodothyronine

Contrary to some people's idea of clenbuterol as an ancient preparation, it was designed not so long ago. Immediately after the creation of Clenbuterol was in the category of iconic products - its properties endow anabolic and fat burning agent at a time! That is, the drug is, in theory, should also help to increase muscle and burn excess body fat. Truly, the combination for bodybuilders priceless. And this despite the fact that its structure was not clenbuterol hormonal drug that is initially been spared from the inherent side effects of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, the inspection of clenbuterol and could not resist. First, it was quickly found that their structure newly created drug is as close to certain hormones, namely - to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Second, the properties anabolic Clenbuterol showed only in experiments on animals, persistently "ignoring" people, even in those cases where the dose was adjusted to 1000-1200 mg per day, which is simply not safe to live. Third, fat burner drug proved quite mediocre, only slightly exceeding the ephedrine and significantly inferior growth hormone, not to mention the DNP. However, in combination with the properties T3 fat burner Clenbuterol evidence is better, but still ... And, yet, despite this apparent frustration, Clenbuterol has taken a firm place in the "pharmacological arsenal" bodybuilders.

As for Triiodothyronine else Dan Duchaine said that this drug is a best friend of a dieting bodybuilder and his worst enemy. The phrase is too beautiful to be true. But almost all of it - the truth. At present, however, T3 is not the best preparation for burning excess fat - this is its bypassed metformin and DNP, and the worst enemy can be unambiguously is the latter drug.


To enhance the fat burning effect makes sense combined use of Clenbuterol and Triiodothyronine. Clenbuterol was almost indispensable at a time when caloric intake greatly reduced. It must be said that the high-carbohydrate diet, which many bodybuilders "confession" for much of the preparatory period, teaches the body to ignore this source of fuel as fat. And in a low-carbohydrate diet in our bodies can not adjust and switch to using "fat reserves" instead of "throwing in the furnace" proteins, which it extracts from our own so hard to build muscle. So, Clenbuterol puts everything in its place, causing the body to switch to a more suitable form of "fuel" - namely, the subcutaneous fat. That is the main purpose of Clenbuterol - utilization of fats and maintaining muscle during the "dry".

In Triiodothyronine usage the most difficult thing is its correct dosage. T3 too much - and you start to lose weight, a lot of weight. Moreover, the vast majority of it will fall exactly on the muscle mass. There were times when athletes lose "for triiodothyronine" up to 10 pounds of muscle - only because of errors in the dosage of the drug. It seems that it is very difficult to give specific advice - basically all depends on the experience of the athlete. But if used correctly, "on drying" drug gives an impressive performance, enabling fast enough to get rid of excess body fat. The use of clenbuterol results down-regulation b-adrenergic receptors, so it is welcome to limit two-week period, followed by a two-week break for recovery of b-adrenergic receptors. And here a very useful property of triiodothyronine have a positive effect on the activity of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) and to thus upregulation (increased) b-adrenergic receptors.

Clenbuterol has many side effects, such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety and a general feeling of abnormal heart rhythm. "Remarkable" side effect is pronounced upper limb tremor (shaking hands). However, a week after the start of the drug all the side effects gradually fade. Admission Clenbuterol at doses exceeding 1.2 mg, for people can be fatal. So try to avoid unnecessary experiments to "enhance fat-burning properties" of the drug. The worst side effect of triiodothyronine definitely can be considered the abuse of this drug. Alas, make irreversible changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland is not difficult.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reviews Of Steroids on The Basis of Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is classified as a long-acting steroids. This drug is an ester of testosterone produced by the human body, being one of several chemicals that make up the testosterone. The objective of testosterone is the formation and development of male sexual characteristics.

If the testosterone in the male body produces in volume is below normal, or does not produce, then the chances of leveling, both functional and mental functions. One of testosterone enanthate applications is medicine. In particular, it shows women to use when you need treatment of some breast tumors, and teenagers and children are encouraged to take medication for the normalization of growth.

Medicine is not the only area of the drug, it is well known in sporting circles, where the steroid taking, wanting to build muscle. Of course, many believe that the problem of muscle growth and strength of will cope well and drugs like Anadrol 50, Parabolin, Finaject. This, of course, true, but with results that Allows athletes to achieve testosterone did not match any of these drugs. Testosterone enanthate is the European-made steroid, in its action and chemical composition is close to popular in the U.S. Testosterone cypionate. Duration of the impact of testosterone enanthate on the body lasts quite long, depending on the hormonal system of athletes and their metabolism. The average is 2-3 weeks, so the intervals between injections can be quite large. Although the athletes involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or triathlon, despite the duration of exposure to testosterone enanthate prefer to take it at least once every 7 days, and even more often. This is largely explained by the small half-life of testosterone enanthate, is only one week.

In comparison to other Testosterone Enanthate testosterone has one significant advantage that makes it ideal for most athletes - strong anabolic and androgenic effects on the body, allowing a significant increase in muscle mass and strength in the shortest possible time. This steroid has received feedback from many athletes with the best hand. The reason for this rapid growth of muscle is commonplace accumulation of water in the body, which, to the delight of athletes, and is accompanied by increase of force. This property Testosterone Enanthate real find for the athletes who work in high-weight category, and dealing with weight lifting. In addition to testosterone enanthate the needs of athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifter can be satisfied only by Sustanon.

Reviews of steroids on the basis of testosterone enanthate is always talking about his excellent action. Although, of course, when the body builds up an athlete is too much water, it is impossible not to notice. Because of its shape does not look quite natural, and it feels like an athlete pumped water or air, which, however, far from the truth. It seems that the athlete is strong, as he was, although in practice this is not always the case. This is especially noticeable than on competition, and in the off-season periods, when all athletes are given the idea to increase muscle mass and for the use of testosterone in huge quantities. Therefore, taking Testosterone enanthate though and gives quick results, but it must be used wisely. In addition to the accumulation of water in the body with testosterone enanthate is another drawback - high degree of aromatization of the active chemical substance, so that it is converted into estrogen. This, in turn, leads not only to the accumulation of fat is difficult to output, but also the appearance of gynecomastia, or in other words, the phenomenon of feminization.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How To Get The Most Natural HGH Secretion For Your Genetics

One of the best natural ways to get the most natural HGH secretions for your genetics is to workout at a high intensity for periods no longer than 45 minutes.
This is according to the Bulgarians Olympic power lifting studies. I personally believe you should be monitoring your affected muscles for the amount of blood
gorging they have.

The higher your testosterone and growth hormone levels, considering your diet and rest is optimal as well, you will be able to maintain a pump for longer. You
will also have a fuller pump! Cardiovascular health is crucial to saturate the blood capillaries with oxygen. Start with the goal of finishing your workouts around the forty five minute mark. If you feel that you lose your pump before this time is up, then before you completely lose your pump, quit to keep as much of the pump for as long as possible.
On the other hand if you still have a good pump at the end of the forty five minute period I suggest you keep pushing yourself until you feel your pump starting to subside. This way you can get the most amount of growth without overtraining in the least amount of time possible.Pushing yourself after your pump has subsided is a double edged sword cutting your progress in half!