
Monday, November 25, 2013

Clenbuterol And Triiodothyronine

 Clenbuterol has taken a firm place in the "pharmacological arsenal" bodybuilders.

As for Triiodothyronine else Dan Duchaine said that this drug is a best friend of a dieting bodybuilder and his worst enemy. The phrase is too beautiful to be true. But almost all of it - the truth. At present, however, T3 is not the best preparation for burning excess fat - this is its bypassed metformin and DNP, and the worst enemy can be unambiguously is the latter drug.


To enhance the fat burning effect makes sense combined use of Clenbuterol and Triiodothyronine. Clenbuterol was almost indispensable at a time when caloric intake greatly reduced. It must be said that the high-carbohydrate diet, which many bodybuilders "confession" for much of the preparatory period, teaches the body to ignore this source of fuel as fat. And in a low-carbohydrate diet in our bodies can not adjust and switch to using "fat reserves" instead of "throwing in the furnace" proteins, which it extracts from our own so hard to build muscle. So, Clenbuterol puts everything in its place, causing the body to switch to a more suitable form of "fuel" - namely, the subcutaneous fat. That is the main purpose of Clenbuterol - utilization of fats and maintaining muscle during the "dry".

In Triiodothyronine usage the most difficult thing is its correct dosage. T3 too much - and you start to lose weight, a lot of weight. Moreover, the vast majority of it will fall exactly on the muscle mass. There were times when athletes lose "for triiodothyronine" up to 10 pounds of muscle - only because of errors in the dosage of the drug. It seems that it is very difficult to give specific advice - basically all depends on the experience of the athlete. But if used correctly, "on drying" drug gives an impressive performance, enabling fast enough to get rid of excess body fat. The use of clenbuterol results down-regulation b-adrenergic receptors, so it is welcome to limit two-week period, followed by a two-week break for recovery of b-adrenergic receptors. And here a very useful property of triiodothyronine have a positive effect on the activity of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) and to thus upregulation (increased) b-adrenergic receptors.

Clenbuterol has many side effects, such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety and a general feeling of abnormal heart rhythm. "Remarkable" side effect is pronounced upper limb tremor (shaking hands). However, a week after the start of the drug all the side effects gradually fade. Admission Clenbuterol at doses exceeding 1.2 mg, for people can be fatal. So try to avoid unnecessary experiments to "enhance fat-burning properties" of the drug. The worst side effect of triiodothyronine definitely can be considered the abuse of this drug. Alas, make irreversible changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland is not difficult.
Contrary to some people's idea of clenbuterol as an ancient preparation, it was designed not so long ago. Immediately after the creation of Clenbuterol was in the category of iconic products - its properties endow anabolic and fat burning agent at a time! That is, the drug is, in theory, should also help to increase muscle and burn excess body fat. Truly, the combination for bodybuilders priceless. And this despite the fact that its structure was not clenbuterol hormonal drug that is initially been spared from the inherent side effects of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, the inspection of clenbuterol and could not resist. First, it was quickly found that their structure newly created drug is as close to certain hormones, namely - to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Second, the properties anabolic Clenbuterol showed only in experiments on animals, persistently "ignoring" people, even in those cases where the dose was adjusted to 1000-1200 mg per day, which is simply not safe to live. Third, fat burner drug proved quite mediocre, only slightly exceeding the ephedrine and significantly inferior growth hormone, not to mention the DNP. However, in combination with the properties T3 fat burner Clenbuterol evidence is better, but still ... And, yet, despite this apparent frustration,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Optimizing Male Hormones: TESTOSTERONE AND DHT

Everyone is always interested “How do I increase testosterone levels,” or “What do I take to increase testosterone levels.”  One problem with these questions is that testosterone is only one piece of a delicate puzzle that is our hormones in the male body.  There is another hormone called DHT that is up to 10x more anabolic than testosterone and is responsible for well-being, concentration and brain health, energy, sex drive, and confidence.  Insulin is another powerful hormone that has a tremendous affect on body composition, fat loss, strength and muscle gain.  Being able to optimize these hormones will do worlds of good for the male physique.  I will address DHT and insulin more later on.  Another problem with this thinking is that increasing testosterone is only trying to cure the “symptoms” and is not addressing the cause.  We all love to just take a pill and have everything go away.  That is our culture in the western world, and it is a sad thing.  The same guys that are worried about their “T” levels also have a stressful job, a nagging wife, terrible sleep quality, and shaky diets.  No wonder you feel like shit!  Taking a pill will not fix your life into a magical dream world where your boss is all of a sudden mother Teresa and your wife turns into a loving and caring Meghan Fox.  Most of the men that I talk to are brainwashed to think that if they raise testosterone than they will be a sexual god and a beast in the gym.  This is not the case.  Hormonal balance is what we need to strive for.  Testosterone is only one piece of the pie.  Keeping the right ratios of testosterone to estrogen, decreasing insulin resistance, optimizing DHT, DHEA, and androstenedione ratios.  I know this sounds complicated but if you continue reading you will find that hormonal optimization is not only relatively simple, but it is one the best decisions a man can make in life.  Hormonal balance and optimization is the #1 priority when a man wants to increase vitality, energy, sex drive, confidence, healthy aggression, muscle gain, fat loss, and achieve a healthy drive and lust for life.


DHT has been given a bad rep.  There is a common misconception that it may lead to enlarged prostate and possibly prostate cancer.  Modern science has since contradicted this belief and DHT is making its way back into the spotlight.  See, DHT is responsible for manly traits.  In fact, testosterone is actually a DHT prohomormone which means testosterone converts into DHT along with a couple other things.  When a man reaches an elevated DHT level he will experience a sense of well-being, drive, strength, decrease in estrogen, and a huge boost in the bedroom.   Taking substances like Proscar, Finasteride, etc. will lower your DHT levels and in turn make you feel like shit.  In Europe, they offer a DHT gel but in the USA, you cannot buy it without a prescription.  There are a few PHs that convert to DHT that are legal and non-toxic.  Those products are Forerunner 5-Alpha Test, AMS Epi-1 Test, and LG’s EpiAndro.  These products are very effective in increasing DHT levels in the body but will also be suppressive.  This means that when you come off these products you will have a rebound affect where you may have to run a post cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore natural hormone levels.  Other than these options, eating a clean diet, keeping testosterone elevated, and staying away DHT suppressing drugs will help your body optimize itself.  Basically, for the body to naturally optimize DHT, we have to optimize the other hormones that work towards that process.


Testosterone is great, but only on an individual basis.  This means that different levels will be beneficial to different men.  People respond differently.  Testosterone  does a lot of good for your body including keeping your heart healthy, maintaining and building muscle, increasing vigor and sex drive, confidence, decreasing body fat, and increasing mental clarity.  The problem with testosterone is that it also converts to estrogen via the aromatizing process.  An increase in testosterone will also increase your estrogen, which can lead to water retention, emotional instability, impotence, tiredness, and high blood pressure.  Your body is already tuned to a point so maxing out testosterone levels is not always the best approach.  On the other had, freeing up unused testosterone, AND keeping estrogen levels on the lower end, is one of the best ways to receive more of the benefits from hormones that you already have.  There are two measurements of testosterone in the body called Free and Total.  Total is the amount of testosterone that is in your body.  Free testosterone is the stuff that your body can actually use.  So as men, free testosterone is the only number we care about.  We want out testosterone to be free to do all its manly goodness.  The best natural way to increase testosterone lies in a combination of habit changes.  Exercising regularly, having sex, and eating healthy are some of the most important things in maximizing testosterone.  A high percentage fat diet has been shown to increase testosterone in men.  I usually eat around 35%fat, 45%protien, and 20% carbs.  I find that I do much better and have more energy on a high fat/low carb diet.  Zinc has also been shown to increase free testosterone levels.  Zinc blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.  Zinc Citrate is the best “version” for absorption.  I take zinc everyday and have been for three years now.  It’s really cheap and you can find it anywhere.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Prohormones have grown in popularity over the past decade, with many bodybuilding and sport supplement companies developing and marketing new prohormones, and many bodybuilders and athletes using the supplements as a legal way of hopefully obtaining steroid like effects. Prohormones work by being a precursor to a parent steroid, such as Testosterone, which requires conversion via an enzymatic process. Due to the steroid conversion being limited by this enzymatic process, we are usually likely to see less potent effects from using prohormones, compared to using anabolic androgenic steroids.

Prohormones are commonly used by bodybuilding and athletes for the very same reason they would look to use anabolic androgenic steroids. Prohormones bring about a heightened level of potent muscle building hormones which result in muscle hypertrophy, increase in strength, greater aggressiveness, and other anabolic and androgenic characteristics (some positive and others possibly negative, such as acne or male pattern baldness).
Side effects from prohormone use

Side effects from prohormone use is the same, although likely to a lesser degree, as anabolic androgenic steroid use. Side effects differ from one prohormone to another (just as we would expect from steroids), depending greatly on the prohormones aromatisation rate to oestrogen, and the parent steroid hormone anabolic and androgenic properties. Oestrogen related side effects can be a possibility from prohormone use, including increased water retention, and the chance of devolving Gynecomstia (breast tissue development). If these side effects are unwanted then using a prohormone with a low conversion rate to oestrogen would be preferred, although it would not totally eliminate the possibility of experiencing such side effects. Androgenic side effects are common from prohormone usage, commonly including acne, oily skin, male pattern baldness and prostate swelling. A post cycle therapy is best implemented post prohormone cycle, like with any anabolic androgenic steroid cycle, to try to help restore the users natural testosterone production. There are over the counter supplements which are marketed at helping post prohormone cycle, although the most effective method is said to be the employment of drugs such as Nolvadex and/or Clomid. You can read more about this in our post cycle therapy (PCT) article.
Common prohormones

4-AD (4-androstenediol)

Available in transdermal and oral forms, 4-AD has a conversion rate to Testosterone of around 15-20%, and three times that of androstenedione. 4-AD is a popular prohormone due to its inability to convert to oestrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone), although some aromatisation may result from the metabolism of the prohormone.

We can expect androgenic side effects from 4-AD use, so acne, oily skin and MPB should be prepared for.

Common dosages of 4-AD is generally up to 100mg each day, although a lower dosages should be used by inexperienced users.

1-AD (1-androstenediol)

1-AD converts to the very potent 1-Testosterone, a steroid that is said to be 700% more anabolic then Testosterone, furthermore 5-alpha reduced so lacks the ability to cause aromatisation. 1-AD is very oral active, possessing a very high conversion rate due to the liver activating the prohormone upon passing, and resistant to being broken down unlike other prohormones.

1-AD manifests its androgenic nature very quickly, therefore androgenic side effects can be very much expected from its usage, and therefore may not be a suitable prohormone for those prone to such side effects.
A final word of caution

Hopefully you have read the above and are now well aware of the possible side effects from the use of prohormones. Prohormones should not be under estimated, and unfortunately they often are because of their availability of legal status. Research and preparation should be done prior to a prohormone cycle, just as with an anabolic androgenic steroid cycle. If you know others which are thinking of embarking on a prohormone cycle please email this article to them so they are well aware of the risked involved with prohormone use.

Although prohormones can be potentially dangerous if not understood and misused, in the educated hands who has prepared for all possible side effects, prohormones use can result in a very pronounced anabolic environment for heightened muscle growth, better recovery, and increase strength gains.