
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Superdrol Cycling and PCT

Superdrol (SD) is marketed as a 'pro-hormone' (PH) in the post-ban era of pro-hormones. Following the ban of most pro-hormonal substances in the States, including the likes of 1-test, 1-AD, 4-AD, M1T, etc, Designer Supplements designed this 'pro-hormone' based on the steroid Masteron, with an additional methyl group attached to the 17th carbon position. It is described as a cross between anavar and masteron, with the virtual inability for aromatisation to estrogen. It is highly anabolic (400-800% more so than methyl-test) and a lot less androgenic (~20% of methyl-test). Superdrol has hence been given the name Methasteron.

Despite being marketed as a supplement available legally and deemed another 'pro-hormone' or 'pro-steroid' by many, there is nothing very 'pro' about Superdrol. In reality, Superdrol is a designer steroid, and that is what the reader must primarily understand. It is methylated, so will cause stress on the liver, and it is an anabolic/androgenic steroid, thus it has the potential to give side effects normally seen with such anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use. It will shut your natural testosterone production down, and PCT (post-cycle therapy) is not only recommended, but frankly required.

It should also be noted that due to the steroidal nature of Superdrol, those under the age of 21 should not consider the use of Superdrol, which could be detrimental in a number of ways.

Cycling Superdrol
Superdrol is sold in 10mg capsules. For those who have not used Superdrol before, it may be a good idea to start off on 10mg as a single dose each day (ed) for at least the first few days/week. Those who have used Superdrol before, or those who are in the range of 200lbs+ or have more experience with other pro-hormones/AAS should most likely want to start with 20mg ed. Dosages should be split where possible, 10mg in the morning, 10mg 12hrs later. Most users report that when running for longer than 3 weeks, the gains seem to cease in the 4th week. This has led to many people thinking that 3 week cycles of SD are the best option in terms of gains and sides and this also is beneficial due to the harsh nature of Superdrol on lipid values (see Side Effects of Superdrol). A good cycle is 20mg ed for 3 weeks, with a 2-3 week PCT. Others have found success employing a 2 week on, 1 week off using a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM; e.g. Nolvadex) or Aromatase Inhibitor (AI; e.g. Rebound XT) during the week off.

Example of a Superdrol Cycle - (values given are every day - ed)

3-5 days prior to cycle (supplement loading):

    1000mg Milk Thistle
    1200mg RYR
    60mg CoQ10
    3g Taurine

Week 1:

    20mg Superdrol, split doses
    Supplement stack*

Week 2:

    20mg Superdrol, split doses
    Supplement stack*

Week 3:

    20mg Superdrol, split doses
    Supplement stack*

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)


Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 1:

    75mg Rebound XT (3 caps 1 in morning, 2 in evening taken with 10g of fat ideally)
    Supplement Stack*

Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 2:

    50mg Rebound XT (1 cap in morning, 1 in evening, with 10g fat)

Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 3:

    25mg Rebound XT (1 cap in evening, with fat)


Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Day 1:

    60mg Tamoxifen (taken all at once when convenient)
    Supplement stack*

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Days 2-11:

    40mg Tamoxifen (taken all at once when convenient)
    Supplement stack* (up to days 5-7)

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Days 12-21:

    20mg Tamoxifen

Optional extra: Add Tribulus throughout PCT.

*Supplement stack:

    1000mg Milk Thistle
    1200mg RYR
    60mg CoQ10
    5g Taurine

Water intake should be high throughout the cycle.

Generally time on + PCT should equal time off, so one should ideally wait 6 weeks after PCT finishes before starting a new cycle of SD. SD can be stacked with other 'pro-hormones,' but I do not recommend stacking with those that are methylated as this will put too much unnecessary strain on the liver, even with Milk Thistle supplementation.

Lighter individuals (<170lbs) and those less adventurous may want to consider starting off on 10mg ed for the first 3-7 days to assess how they react to it, and maybe increasing to 20mg ed from the second week onwards. Those that don't respond well after 2 weeks to 20mg ed may also wish to consider going up to 30mg ed, but sides can be a lot worse at this dosage in many. People may also want to consider running it for 4 weeks, and although the above is an example cycle I would recommend, a 4-week cycle would be fine; however I would not recommend anything longer than 4 weeks, due to lipid issues and diminishing returns/gains ceasing. The reason I suggest 3 weeks is many people see very little in the way of gains in the fourth week, and it is often unnecessary to go to the fourth week bearing in mind the side effects associated with SD (which can be cumulative).

While strength gains may appear alarmingly rapid, they do not come with a proportional increase in strength of connective tissue. As such, strict form and a level headed approach to training should be maintained, to reduce the likelihood of injury.

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